Slice Emittance
The plugin computes the total emittance and the slice emittance (for ten combined cells in the longitudinal direction).
Currently, it outputs only the emittance of the transverse momentum space x-px.
More details on the implementation and tests can be found in the master’s thesis [Rudat2019].
External Dependencies
.param file
None for now. In the future, adding more compile-time configurations might become necessary (e.g., striding of data output).
.cfg file
All options are denoted for the electron (e
) particle species here.
PIConGPU command line option |
Description |
compute slice emittance [for each n-th step], enable plugin by setting a non-zero value
A value of |
Use filtered particles. All available filters will be shown with |
Memory Complexity
Each x^2
, p_x^2
and x * p_x
summation value as well as the number of real electrons gCount_e
needs to be stored
as float_64
for each y-cell.
as on accelerator (needed for MPI data transfer)
This plugin is a multi plugin. Command line parameters can be used multiple times to create e.g. dumps with different dumping period. In the case where an optional parameter with a default value is explicitly defined the parameter will be always passed to the instance of the multi plugin where the parameter is not set. e.g.
--e_emittance.period 1000 --e_emittance.filter all
--e_emittance.period 100 --e_emittance.filter highEnergy
creates two plugins:
slice emittance for species e each 1000th time step for all particles.
slice emittance for species e each 100th time step only for particles with high energy (defined by filter).
Analysis Tools
The output is a text file with the first line as a comment describing the content. The first column is the time step. The second column is the total emittance (of all particles defined by the filter). Each following column is the emittance if the slice at ten cells around the position given in the comment line.
data = np.loadtxt("<path-to-emittance-file>")
timesteps = data[:, 0]
total_emittance = data[:, 1]
slice_emittance = data[:, 2:]
# time evolution of total emitance
plt.plot(timesteps, total_emittance)
plt.xlabel("time step")
# plot slice emittance over time and longitudinal (y) position
plt.xlabel("y position [arb.u.]")
plt.ylabel("time [arb.u.]")
cb = plt.colorbar()
S. Rudat. Laser Wakefield Acceleration Simulation as a Service, chapter 4.4, Master’s thesis at TU Dresden & Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf (2019),