Translation Process

This document explains the semantic and syntactic transformation from PICMI inputs to PIConGPU build files. It also describes when wich type of error is caught or raised.

The data are transformed along the following pipeline:

  1. User script

    • is: python code, has from picongpu import picmi

    • purpose: input in generic programming language, editable by user

    • defined in: user file (not part of this repo)

  2. PICMI objects

    • is: python objects specified by upstream picmistandard

      • note that the objects upstream are inherited (i.e. NOT copied)

    • purpose: user interface

    • located in: lib/python/pypicongpu/picmi

  3. PyPIConGPU objects (1-to-1 translateable to C++ code)

    • is: python

    • purposes:

      • use PIConGPU representation instead of PICMI (number of cells vs extent in SI units etc.)

      • consruct valid input parameters (where one can also modify data on a semantic level)

      • possibly even modify parameters (e.g. “electron resolution”)

    • “intermediate representation”

    • no redundancies

    • aims to be close to PIConGPU native input (in terms of structure)

    • located in: lib/python/pypicongpu (everthing that is not PICMI)

  4. JSON representation (“rendering context”)

    • is: JSON (simple hierarchical data format)

    • purpose: passed to template engine to generate code (also: separate translation logic from code generation)

    • slightly restricted version of json

    • generated according to predefined schemas

    • may contain rendundancies

    • located in:

      • generated in _get_serialized() implementations

      • checked against schemas in share/pypicongpu/schema

      • stored (for debugging) in generated files as pypicongpu.json

  5. .param and .cfg files

    • is: files as defined by PIConPGU

    • purpose: fully compatible to vanilla PIConGPU

    • generated using predefined template

    • created using “templating engine” mustache, terminology:

      • render: generate final code by applying a context to a template

      • context: (JSON-like) data that is combined with a template during rendering

      • a templating engine is a more powerful search replace; rendering describes transforming a template (where things are replaced) with a context (what is inserted)

    • located in:

      • generated directory

      • templates (*.mustache) in share/pypicongpu/template

  6. (normal PIConGPU pipeline continues: pic-build, tbg)

    • pic-build compile the code

      • wrapper around cmake

      • (would be run standalone for native PIConGPU)

    • tbg runs the code

      • enable usage on different platforms/hpc clustern/submit systems

Please see at the end of this document for an example.

Generally, each object has a method to transform it into the next step: PICMI objects have a method get_as_pypicongpu(), pypicongpu object have a method get_rendering_context() etc.

The individual steps are fairly dumb (see: KISS), so if you do something simple it should work – and anything complicated won’t.

The individual data formats and their transformations are outlined below.

Practically this pipeline is invoked by the runner, see the corresponding documentation chapter.


PICMI objects are objects as defined by the picmistandard.

A user script creates PICMI objects, all collected inside the Simulation object. Technically these objects are implemented by pypicongpu, though (almost) all functionality is inherited from the implementation inside the picmistandard.

The content of the PICMI objects is assumed to be conforming to standard. PICMI (upstream) does not necessarily enforce this. The user may define invalid objects. Such objects outside the standard produce undefined behavior!

When invoking get_as_pypicongpu() on a PICMI object it is translated to the corresponding pypicongpu object. Not all PICMI objects have a direct pypicongpu translation, in which case the object owning the non-translateable object has to manage this translation (e.g. the simulation extracts the PICMI grid translation from the PICMI solver). Before this translations happens, some simple checks are performed, mainly for compatibility. When an incompatible parameter is encountered, one of two things can happen:

  1. A utility function is called to notify the user that the parameter is unsupported. This typically applies to parameters that are not supported at all.

  2. An assertions is triggered. In this case python will create an AssertionError, and an associated message is provided. These errors can’t be ignored. This typically applies to parameters for which only some values are supported.

The translation from PICMI to PyPIConGPU does not follow a “great design plan”, the approach can be summed up by:

  • have unit tests for everything (which are in turn not well organized, but just huge lists of test cases)

  • trust PyPIConGPUs self-validation to catch configuration errors

  • translate as local as possible, i.e. translate as much as possible within the lowest hierachy level, and only rarely leave translation to the upper level (e.g. the all-encompassing simulation)

The PICMI to PyPIConGPU translation itself is rather messy (and there is no way to entirely avoid that).


PyPIConGPU objects are objects defined in pypicongpu which resemble the PIConGPU much more closely than plain PICMI. Hence, they (may) hold different data/parameters/formats than the PICMI objects.

As PICMI, all PyPIConGPU objects are organized under the top-level Simulation object.

Be aware that both PICMI and PyPIConGPU have a class named Simulation, but these classes are different.

Typically, PyPIConGPU objects do not contain much logic – they are structures to hold data. E.g. the 3D grid is defined as follows (docstrings omitted here):

class Grid3D(RenderedObject):
    cell_size_x_si = util.build_typesafe_property(float)
    cell_size_y_si = util.build_typesafe_property(float)
    cell_size_z_si = util.build_typesafe_property(float)

    cell_cnt_x = util.build_typesafe_property(int)
    cell_cnt_y = util.build_typesafe_property(int)
    cell_cnt_z = util.build_typesafe_property(int)

    boundary_condition_x = util.build_typesafe_property(BoundaryCondition)
    boundary_condition_y = util.build_typesafe_property(BoundaryCondition)
    boundary_condition_z = util.build_typesafe_property(BoundaryCondition)

In particular, please note:

  • The annotation @typeguard.typechecked: This is a decorator introduced by typeguard and it ensures that the type annotations of methods are respected. However, it does not perform typechecking for attributes, which is why the attributes are delegated to:

  • util.build_typesafe_property() …is a helper to build a property which automatically checks that only the type specified is used. Additionally, it does not allow default values, i.e. a value must be set explicitly. If it is read before a write an error is thrown.

  • The parent class RenderedObject: Inheriting from RenderedObject means that this object can be translated to a context for the templating egine (see JSON representation). The inheriting Object Grid3D must implement a method _get_serialized(self) -> dict (not shown here), which returns a dictionary representing the internal state of this object for rendering. It is expected that two object which return the same result for _get_serialized() are equal. This method is used by RenderedObject to provide the get_rendering_context() which invokes _get_serialized() internally and performs additional checks (see next section).

Some objects only exist for processing purposes and do not (exclusively) hold any simulation parameters, e.g. the Runner (see Running) or the InitializationManager (see Species translation).

JSON representation (“rendering context”)

A JSON representation is fed into the templating engine to render a template.

The rendering engine used here is Mustache, implemented by chevron.

Think of a templating engine as a more powerful search-replace. Please refer to the mustache documentation for further details. (The authoritative spec outlines some additional features.)

We apply the Mustache standard more strictly than necessary, please see below for further details.

Motivation: Why Mustache?
There are plenty of templating engines available. Most of these allow for much more logic inside the template than mustache does, even being turing complete. However, having a lot of logic inside of the template itself should be avoided, as they make the code much less structured and hence more difficult to read, test and maintain. Mustache itself is not very powerful, forcing the programmer to define their logic inside of PyPIConGPU. In other words: The intent is to disincentivize spaghetti template code.

The JSON representation is created inside of _get_serialized() implemented by classes inheriting from RenderedObject. Before it is passed to the templating engine, it has to go through three additional steps:

  1. check for general structure

  2. check against schema

  3. JSON preprocessor

Notably, the schema check is actually performed before the general structure check, but conceptionally the general structure check is more general as the schema check.

Check General Structure

This check is implemented in Renderer.check_rendering_context() and ensures that the python dict returned by _get_serialized() can be used for Mustache as rendering context, in particular:

  • context is dict

  • all keys are strings

    • keys do NOT contain dot . (reserved for element-wise access)

    • keys do NOT begin with underscore _ (reserved for preprocessor)

  • values are either dict, list or one of:

    • None

    • boolean

    • int or float

    • string

  • list items must be dictionaries This is due to the nature of Mustache list processing (loops): The loop header for Mustache {{#list}} does enter the context of the list items, e.g. for [{"num": 1"}, {"num": 2}] num is now defined after the loop header. This entering the context is not possible if the item is not a dict, e.g. for [1, 2] it is not clear to which variable name the value is bound after the loop header. Such simpe lists can’t be handled by Mustache and hence are caught during this check.

Simply put, this check ensures that the given dict can be represented as JSON and can be processed by mustache. It is independent from the origin of the dict.

Notably native mustache actually can, in fact, handle plain lists. The syntax is not straight-forward though, hence we forbid it here. (For details see mustache spec, “Implicit Iterators”)

Schema Check

This check is implemented in RenderedObject.get_rendering_context() as is performed on the dict returned by _get_serialized().

It ensures that the structure of this object conforms to a predefined schema associated with the generating class.

A schema in general defines a structure which some data follows. E.g. OpenPMD can be seen as a schema. Some database management systems call their tables schemas, XML has schemas etc. For the JSON data here JSON schema is used. At the time of writing, JSON schema has not been standardized into an RFC, and the version Draft 2020-12 is used throughout. To check the schemas, the library jsonschema is employed.

live online JSON schema validator | comprehensive guid

The schemas that are checked against are located at share/pypicongpu/schema/. All files in this directory are crawled and added into the schema database. One file may only define one schema.

To associate the classes to their schemas, their Fully Qualified Name (FQN) is used. It is constructed from the modulename and the class name, i.e. the PyPIConGPU simulation object has the FQN pypicongpu.simulation.Simulation. The FQN is appended to the URL which is used as identifier ($id) of a schema.

E.g. the Yee Solver class’ schema is defined as:

    "$id": "",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"
    "required": ["name"],
    "unevaluatedProperties": false

which is fullfilled by it serialization:

{"name": "Yee"}

The URL ( can be used to refer to a serialized YeeSolver, e.g. by the PyPIConGPU Simulation schema.

For all schema files, the following is checked:

  • Have an $id (URL) set (if not log error and skip file)

  • Have unevaluatedProperties set to false, i.e. do not allow additional properties (if not log warning and continue)

If no schema can be found when translating an object to JSON operation is aborted.

JSON preprocessor

If the created context object (JSON) passes all checks (structure + schema) it is passed to the preprocessor.

Before any preprocessing is applied (but after all checks have passed) the runner dumps the used context object into pypicongpu.json inside the setup directory.

The preprocessor performs the following tasks:

  • Translate all numbers to C++-compatible literals (stored as strings, using sympy)

  • Add the properties _first and _last to all list items, set to true or false respectively (to ease generation of list separators etc.)

  • Add top-level attributes, e.g. the current date as _date.

Rendering Process

The rendering process itself is launched inside of Runner in Runner.generate(). This creates the “setup directory” by copying it from the template, which contains many NAME.mustache files. These are the actual string templates, which will be rendered by the templating engine.

After the setup directory copy the following steps are performed (inside of Runner.__render_templates()):

  1. Retrieve rendering context of the all-encompassing PyPIConGPU simulation object

    • The PyPIConGPU simulation object is responsible for calling translate-to-rendering-context methods of the other objects.

    • This automatically (implicitly) checks against the JSON schema

  2. The rendering context general structure is checked (see above)

  3. Dump the fully checked rendering context into pypicongpu.json in the setup dir

  4. preprocess the context (see above)

  5. Render all files NAME.mustache to NAME using the context (including all child dirs)

    • check that file NAME mustache does not exist, if it does abort

    • check syntax according to rules outlined below, if violated warn and continue

    • print warning on undefined variables and continue

  6. rename the fully rendered template NAME.mustache to .NAME.mustache; rationale:

    • keep it around for debugging and investigation

    • these files are fairly small, they don’t hurt (too bad)

    • hide it from users, so they don’t confuse the generated file (which is actually used by PIConGPU) with the template NAME.mustache (which is entirely ignored by PIConGPU)

Due to the warnings on undefined variables optional parameters are should never be omitted, but explicitly set to null if unused. E.g. the laser in the PyPIConGPU simulation is expected by this (sub-) schema:

"laser": {
    "anyOf": [
            "type": "null"
            "$ref": ""

which makes both {..., "laser": null, ...} and {..., "laser": {...}, ...} valid – but in both cases the variable laser is defined.

Notably, from this process’ perspective “the rendering context” is the rendering context of the PyPIConGPU simulation object.

Mustache Syntax

Mustache syntax is used as defined by the Mustache Spec, whith the following exceptions:

The Mustache Language Documentation is the human-readable explanation, though it omits some details.

  • Variables are always inserted using 3 braces: {{{value}}}. Using only two braces indicates that the value should be HTML-escaped, which is not applicable to this code generation. Before rendering, all code is checked by a (not-fully correct) regex, and if only two braces are found a warning is issued.

  • Subcomponents of objects can be accessed using the dot ., e.g. nested.object.value returns 4 for {"nested": {"object": {"value": "4"}}}. This is a mustache standard feature and therefore supported by the used library chevron, though it is not mentioned in the documentation linked above.

  • Unkown variables are explicitly warned about. Standard behavior would be to pass silently, treating them as empty string. Notably this also applies to variables used in conditions, e.g. {{^laser}} would issue a warning if laser is not set. Due to that all used variables should always be defined, if necessary set to null (None in Python).

  • Partials are not available

  • Lambdas are not available

Example Sequence

These examples should demonstrate how the translation process works.

Bounding Box

The Bounding Box is defined as a grid object. PICMI does not use a global grid object, but PIConGPU does.

So when invoking picmi.Simulation.get_as_pypicongpu() it uses the grid from the picmi solver:

# pypicongpu simulation
s = simulation.Simulation()
s.grid = self.solver.grid.get_as_pypicongpu()

picmi.grid.get_as_pypicongpu() (here Cartesian3DGrid) checks some compatibility stuff, e.g. if the lower bound is correctly set to 0,0,0 (only values supported) and if the upper and lower boundary conditions are the same for each axis. For unsupported features a util method is called:

assert [0, 0, 0] == self.lower_bound, "lower bounds must be 0, 0, 0"
assert self.lower_boundary_conditions == self.upper_boundary_conditions, "upper and lower boundary conditions must be equal (can only be chosen by axis, not by direction)"

# only prints a message if self.refined_regions is not None
util.unsupported("refined regions", self.refined_regions)

PIConGPU does not use bounding box + cell count but cell count + cell size, so this is translated before returning a pypicongpu grid:

# pypicongpu grid
g = grid.Grid3D()
g.cell_size_x_si = (self.xmax - self.xmin) / self.nx
g.cell_size_y_si = (self.ymax - self.ymin) / self.ny
g.cell_size_z_si = (self.zmax - self.zmin) /
g.cell_cnt_x = self.nx
g.cell_cnt_y = self.ny
g.cell_cnt_z =
# ...
return g

The pypicongpu Grid3D._get_serialized() now translates these parameters to JSON (a python dict):

def _get_serialized(self) -> dict:
    return {
        "cell_size": {
            "x": self.cell_size_x_si,
            "y": self.cell_size_y_si,
            "z": self.cell_size_z_si,
        "cell_cnt": {
            "x": self.cell_cnt_x,
            "y": self.cell_cnt_y,
            "z": self.cell_cnt_z,
        "boundary_condition": {
            "x": self.boundary_condition_x.get_cfg_str(),
            "y": self.boundary_condition_y.get_cfg_str(),
            "z": self.boundary_condition_z.get_cfg_str(),

By invoking grid.get_rendering_context() in the owning Simulation object this is checked against the schema located in share/pypicongpu/schema/pypicongpu.grid.Grid3D.json

    "$id": "",
    "description": "Specification of a (cartesian) grid of cells with 3 spacial dimensions.",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "cell_size": {
            "description": "width of a single cell in m",
            "type": "object",
            "unevaluatedProperties": false,
            "required": ["x", "y", "z"],
            "properties": {
                "x": {
                    "$anchor": "cell_size_component",
                    "type": "number",
                    "exclusiveMinimum": 0
                "y": {
                    "$ref": "#cell_size_component"
                "z": {
                    "$ref": "#cell_size_component"
        "cell_cnt": {},
        "boundary_condition": {
            "description": "boundary condition to be passed to --periodic (encoded as number)",
            "type": "object",
            "unevaluatedProperties": false,
            "required": ["x", "y", "z"],
            "properties": {
                "x": {
                    "$anchor": "boundary_condition_component",
                    "type": "string",
                    "pattern": "^(0|1)$"
                "y": {
                    "$ref": "#boundary_condition_component"
                "z": {
                    "$ref": "#boundary_condition_component"
    "required": [
    "unevaluatedProperties": false

This entire process has been launched by the Runner, which now dumps these parameters to the pypicongpu.json before continuing rendering:

    "grid": {
        "cell_size": {
            "x": 1.776e-07,
            "y": 4.43e-08,
            "z": 1.776e-07
        "cell_cnt": {
            "x": 192,
            "y": 2048,
            "z": 12
        "boundary_condition": {
            "x": "0",
            "y": "0",
            "z": "1"

These are now used by the template from share/pypicongpu/template, e.g. in the N.cfg.mustache:

TBG_gridSize="{{{x}}} {{{y}}} {{{z}}}"


TBG_periodic="--periodic {{{x}}} {{{y}}} {{{z}}}"

and in simulation.param.mustache:

constexpr float_64 DELTA_T_SI = {{{delta_t_si}}};

constexpr float_64 CELL_WIDTH_SI = {{{x}}};
constexpr float_64 CELL_HEIGHT_SI = {{{y}}};
constexpr float_64 CELL_DEPTH_SI = {{{z}}};