
Section author: Axel Huebl, Marco Garten

In the following section we explain how to contribute to this documentation.

If you are reading the HTML version on http://picongpu.readthedocs.io and want to improve or correct existing pages, check the “Edit on GitHub” link on the right upper corner of each document.

Alternatively, go to docs/source in our source code and follow the directory structure of reStructuredText (.rst) files there. For intrusive changes, like structural changes to chapters, please open an issue to discuss them beforehand.

Build Locally

This document is build based on free open-source software, namely Sphinx, Doxygen (C++ APIs as XML) and Breathe (to include doxygen XML in Sphinx). A web-version is hosted on ReadTheDocs.

The following requirements need to be installed (once) to build our documentation successfully:

cd docs/

# doxygen is not shipped via pip, install it externally,
# from the homepage, your package manager, Micromamba, etc.
# example:
sudo apt-get install doxygen

# python tools & style theme
pip install -r requirements.txt # --user

In order to not break any of your existing Python configurations, you can also create a new environment that you only use for building the documentation. Since it is possible to install doxygen with Micromamba, the following demonstrates this.

cd docs/

# create a bare Micromamba environment containing just all the requirements
# for building the picongpu documentation
# note: also installs doxygen inside this environment
micromamba env create --file picongpu-docs-env.yml

# start up the environment as suggested during its creation e.g.
micromamba activate picongpu-docs-env
# or
source activate picongpu-docs-env

With all documentation-related software successfully installed, just run the following commands to build your docs locally. Please check your documentation build is successful and renders as you expected before opening a pull request!

# skip this if you are still in docs/
cd docs/

# parse the C++ API documentation,
#   enjoy the doxygen warnings!
# render the `.rst` files and replace their macros within
#   enjoy the breathe errors on things it does not understand from doxygen :)
make html

# open it, e.g. with firefox :)
firefox build/html/index.html

# now again for the pdf :)
make latexpdf

# open it, e.g. with okular