
This chapter describes the internals of the PICMI translation (and subsequently the internal representation PyPIConGPU).


This section is aimed at developers. It describes how the PICMI user interface is implemented.

For the PICMI in PIConGPU user documentation, see here. For the PICMI standard (upstream) definition, see here.

If you read this documentation like a book carry on in the order of the table of contents. However, the recommended way is to also review the implementation side-by-side to this documentation:

To get started familiarize yourself with the translation process and skim how the testing approach works. Read the FAQ for some more fundamental questions. After looking at some examples of implementations yourself, continue with running, the general notes on the implementation, and read the notes on how to write schemas. If you have to work with species also read their section. (Note: Species are by far the most complex issue in PyPIConGPU, make sure you understand the fundamentals before working on them.)