Energy Fields
This plugin computes the total energy contained in the electric and magnetic field of the entire volume simulated. The energy is computed for user specified time steps.
.cfg file
By setting the PIConGPU command line flag --fields_energy.period
to a non-zero value the plugin computes the total field energy.
The default value is 0
, meaning that the total field energy is not stored.
By setting e.g. --fields_energy.period 100
the total field energy is computed for time steps 0, 100, 200, ….
Memory Complexity
The data is stored in fields_energy.dat
There are two columns.
The first gives the time step.
The second is the total field energy in Joule.
The first row is a comment describing the columns:
#step total[Joule] Bx[Joule] By[Joule] Bz[Joule] Ex[Joule] Ey[Joule] Ez[Joule]
0 2.5e+18 0 0 0 2.5e+18 0 0
100 2.5e+18 2.45e-22 2.26e-08 2.24e-08 2.5e+18 2.29e-08 2.30e-08
The output of this plugin computes a sum over all cells in a very naive implementation. This can lead to significant errors due to the finite precision in floating-point numbers. Do not expect the output to be precise to more than a few percent. Do not expect the output to be deterministic due to the statistical nature of the implemented reduce operation.
Please see this issue for a longer discussion and possible future implementations.
Example Visualization
Python example snippet:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
simDir = "path/to/simOutput/"
# Ekin in Joules (see EnergyParticles)
e_sum_ene = np.loadtxt(simDir + "e_energy_all.dat")[:, 0:2]
p_sum_ene = np.loadtxt(simDir + "p_energy_all.dat")[:, 0:2]
C_sum_ene = np.loadtxt(simDir + "C_energy_all.dat")[:, 0:2]
N_sum_ene = np.loadtxt(simDir + "N_energy_all.dat")[:, 0:2]
# Etotal in Joules
fields_sum_ene = np.loadtxt(simDir + "fields_energy.dat")[:, 0:2]
plt.plot(e_sum_ene[:,0], e_sum_ene[:,1], label="e")
plt.plot(p_sum_ene[:,0], p_sum_ene[:,1], label="p")
plt.plot(C_sum_ene[:,0], C_sum_ene[:,1], label="C")
plt.plot(N_sum_ene[:,0], N_sum_ene[:,1], label="N")
plt.plot(fields_sum_ene[:,0], fields_sum_ene[:,1], label="fields")
e_sum_ene[:,1] + p_sum_ene[:,1] + C_sum_ene[:,1] + N_sum_ene[:,1] + fields_sum_ene[:,1],