Continuous Integration

Section author: René Widera

What is tested?

The CI is compiling tests with different compilers and boost versions. We compile examples, tests, and benchmark input sets from share/picongpu. Unit tests for PMacc from include/pmacc/test and examples under share/pmacc will be compiled and executed on the corresponding compute device. PIConGPU unit test from share/picongpu/unit will be compiled and executed on the corresponding compute device. PICMI from share/picongpu/pypicongpu will be compiled too.

Compiler chains

The CI is testing different version of

  • nvcc with g++ for NVIDIA CUDA compute devices

  • clang with HIP for AMD ROCm compute devices

  • clang as NVIDIA CUDA compiler for NVIDIA CUDA devices

  • clang and g++ for the serial alpaka accelerator to target x86-CPU compute devices

Test PR

Pull requests will perform all tests described above. By default PIConGPU input sets will only compile a reduced set of all setups. Only the first input variation from cmakeFlags will be compiled There is no guarantee that each setup is compiled with at least one version of the compiles chains above. It is guaranteed that each compiler version of all compiler chains is compiling at least one PIConGPU input set.

Test dev branch

Merged PRs will perform more extensive tests compared to the PR tests. Each PIConGPU input set is compiled at least with one compiler version of each compiler tool chain.

CI Control via Commit Message

It is possible to control which compile tests will be executed for the pull request and dev branch. The last commit of a pull request can contain a command in form of ci: <command> which will be taken into account by the CI. A command must be the only text/string on a line, it is not case sensitive and can have spaces before or behind.


  • ci: no-compile is disabling PIConGPU and PMacc compile and runtime tests

  • ci: full-compile will execute for a PR all tests the CI is performing when PRs get merged to the dev branch.

  • ci: picongpu only PIConGPU compile and runtime tests will be performed

  • ci: pmacc only PMacc compile and runtime tests will be performed