Definition of Composite Materials
Section author: Axel Huebl
The easiest way to define a composite material in PIConGPU is starting relative to an idealized full-ionized electron density. As an example, lets use \(\text{C}_{21}\text{H}_{25}\text{N}\) (“8CB”) with a plasma density of \(n_\text{e,max} = 192\,n_\text{c}\) contributed by the individual ions relatively as:
Carbon: \(21 \cdot 6 / N_{\Sigma \text{e-}}\)
Hydrogen: \(25 \cdot 1 / N_{\Sigma \text{e-}}\)
Nitrogen: \(1 \cdot 7 / N_{\Sigma \text{e-}}\)
and \(N_{\Sigma \text{e-}} = 21_\text{C} \cdot 6_{\text{C}^{6+}} + 25_\text{H} \cdot 1_{\text{H}^+} + 1_\text{N} \cdot 7_{\text{N}^{7+}} = 158\).
Set the idealized electron density in density.param as a reference and each species’ relative densityRatio
from the list above accordingly in speciesDefinition.param (see the input files in the FoilLCT example for details).
In order to initialize the electro-magnetic fields self-consistently, read quasi-neutral initialization.