PIC Core
The spatial dimensionality of the simulation.
Possible values: DIM3 for 3D3V and DIM2 for 2D3V.
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
constexpr uint32_t simDim = SIMDIM
- Attention
if simDim = DIM2, sim.pic.getCellSize().z() must be set to the system size that is integrated during the conversion from 3D density to 2D density!
constexpr uint32_t simDim = SIMDIM
Definition of cell sizes and time step.
Our cells are defining a regular, cartesian grid. Our explicit FDTD field solvers require an upper bound for the time step value in relation to the cell size for convergence. Make sure to resolve important wavelengths of your simulation, e.g. shortest plasma wavelength, Debye length and central laser wavelength both spatially and temporarily.
Units in reduced dimensions
In 2D3V simulations, the CELL_DEPTH_SI (Z) cell length is still used for normalization of densities, etc..
A 2D3V simulation in a cartesian PIC simulation such as ours only changes the degrees of freedom in motion for (macro) particles and all (field) information in z travels instantaneously, making the 2D3V simulation behave like the interaction of infinite “wire particles” in fields with perfect symmetry in Z.
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
constexpr uint32_t TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL = 2u
(Approximate) Number of maximum macro-particles per cell.
Used internally for unit normalization.
namespace SI
constexpr float_64 DELTA_T_SI = 0.8e-16
Duration of one timestep unit: seconds.
constexpr float_64 CELL_WIDTH_SI = 0.1772e-6
equals X unit: meter
constexpr float_64 CELL_HEIGHT_SI = 0.4430e-7
equals Y - the laser & moving window propagation direction unit: meter
constexpr float_64 CELL_DEPTH_SI = CELL_WIDTH_SI
equals Z unit: meter
- Attention
if SIMDIM = DIM2, CELL_DEPTH_SI must be set to system size integrated over in projection!
constexpr float_64 BASE_DENSITY_SI = 1.e25
Base density in particles per m^3 in the density profiles.
This is often taken as reference maximum density in normalized profiles. Individual particle species can define a
flag relative to this value.unit: ELEMENTS/m^3
constexpr float_64 DELTA_T_SI = 0.8e-16
constexpr uint32_t TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL = 2u
Specify a sequence of functors to be called at start of each time iteration.
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
using IterationStartPipeline = pmacc::mp_list<>
IterationStartPipeline defines the functors called at each iteration start.
The functors will be called in the given order.
The functors must be default-constructible and take the current time iteration as the only parameter. These are the same requirements as for functors in particles::InitPipeline.
using IterationStartPipeline = pmacc::mp_list<>
Configure the field solver.
Select the numerical Maxwell solver (e.g. Yee’s method).
- Attention
Currently, the laser initialization in PIConGPU is implemented to work with the standard Yee solver. Using a solver of higher order will result in a slightly increased laser amplitude and energy than expected.
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
namespace fields
using Solver = maxwellSolver::Yee
Field Solver Selection (note <> for some solvers), all in namespace maxwellSolver:
Yee: Standard Yee solver approximating derivatives with respect to time and space by second order finite differences.
CKC: Cole-Karkkainen-Cowan Solver, Dispersion free solver in the direction of the smallest grid size.
Lehe<>: Num. Cherenkov free field solver in a chosen direction
ArbitraryOrderFDTD<4>: Solver using 4 neighbors to each direction to approximate spatial derivatives by finite differences. The number of neighbors can be changed from 4 to any positive, integer number. The order of the solver will be twice the number of neighbors in each direction. Yee’s method is a special case of this using one neighbor to each direction.
Substepping<Solver, 4>: use the given Solver (Yee, etc.) and substep each time step by factor 4
None: disable the vacuum update of E and B, including no J contribution to E
using Solver = maxwellSolver::Yee
namespace fields
Configure the field absorber parameters.
Field absorber type is set by command-line option —fieldAbsorber.
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
namespace fields
namespace absorber
constexpr uint32_t THICKNESS = 12
Thickness of the absorbing layer, in number of cells.
This setting applies to applies for all absorber kinds. The absorber layer is located inside the global simulation area, near the outer borders. Setting size to 0 results in disabling absorption at the corresponding boundary. Note that for non-absorbing boundaries the actual thickness will be 0 anyways. There are no requirements on thickness being a multiple of the supercell size.
For PML the recommended thickness is between 6 and 16 cells. For the exponential damping it is 32.
Unit: number of cells.
namespace exponential
Settings for the Exponential absorber.
constexpr float_X STRENGTH[3][2] = {{1.0e-3, 1.0e-3}, {1.0e-3, 1.0e-3}, {1.0e-3, 1.0e-3}}
Define the strength of the absorber for all directions.
Elements corredponding to non-absorber borders will have no effect.
Unit: none
constexpr float_X STRENGTH[3][2] = {{1.0e-3, 1.0e-3}, {1.0e-3, 1.0e-3}, {1.0e-3, 1.0e-3}}
namespace pml
Settings for the Pml absorber.
These parameters can generally be left with default values. For more details on the meaning of the parameters, refer to the following references. J.A. Roden, S.D. Gedney. Convolution PML (CPML): An efficient FDTD implementation of the CFS - PML for arbitrary media. Microwave and optical technology letters. 27 (5), 334-339 (2000). A. Taflove, S.C. Hagness. Computational Electrodynamics. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. Third Edition. Artech house, Boston (2005), referred to as [Taflove, Hagness].
constexpr float_64 SIGMA_KAPPA_GRADING_ORDER = 4.0
Order of polynomial grading for artificial electric conductivity and stretching coefficient.
The conductivity (sigma) is polynomially scaling from 0 at the internal border of PML to the maximum value (defined below) at the external border. The stretching coefficient (kappa) scales from 1 to the corresponding maximum value (defined below) with the same polynomial. The grading is given in [Taflove, Hagness], eq. (7.60a, b), with the order denoted ‘m’. Must be >= 0. Normally between 3 and 4, not required to be integer. Unitless.
constexpr float_64 SIGMA_OPT_SI[3] = {0.8 * (SIGMA_KAPPA_GRADING_ORDER + 1.0) / (sim.si.getZ0() * sim.si.getCellSize().x()), 0.8 * (SIGMA_KAPPA_GRADING_ORDER + 1.0) / (sim.si.getZ0() * sim.si.getCellSize().y()), 0.8 * (SIGMA_KAPPA_GRADING_ORDER + 1.0) / (sim.si.getZ0() * sim.si.getCellSize().z())}
constexpr float_64 SIGMA_OPT_MULTIPLIER = 1.0
Max value of artificial electric conductivity in PML.
Components correspond to directions: element 0 corresponds to absorption along x direction, 1 = y, 2 = z. Grading is described in comments for SIGMA_KAPPA_GRADING_ORDER. Too small values lead to significant reflections from the external border, too large - to reflections due to discretization errors. Artificial magnetic permeability will be chosen to perfectly match this. Must be >= 0. Normally between 0.7 * SIGMA_OPT_SI and 1.1 * SIGMA_OPT_SI. Unit: siemens / m.
constexpr float_64 KAPPA_MAX[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
Max value of coordinate stretching coefficient in PML.
Components correspond to directions: element 0 corresponds to absorption along x direction, 1 = y, 2 = z. Grading is described in comments for SIGMA_KAPPA_GRADING_ORDER. Must be >= 1. For relatively homogeneous domains 1.0 is a reasonable value. Highly elongated domains can have better absorption with values between 7.0 and 20.0, for example, see section 7.11.2 in [Taflove, Hagness]. Unitless.
constexpr float_64 ALPHA_GRADING_ORDER = 1.0
Order of polynomial grading for complex frequency shift.
The complex frequency shift (alpha) is polynomially downscaling from the maximum value (defined below) at the internal border of PML to 0 at the external border. The grading is given in [Taflove, Hagness], eq. (7.79), with the order denoted ‘m_a’. Must be >= 0. Normally values are around 1.0. Unitless.
constexpr float_64 ALPHA_MAX_SI[3] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2}
Complex frequency shift in PML.
Components correspond to directions: element 0 corresponds to absorption along x direction, 1 = y, 2 = z. Setting it to 0 will make PML behave as uniaxial PML. Setting it to a positive value helps to attenuate evanescent modes, but can degrade absorption of propagating modes, as described in section 7.7 and 7.11.3 in [Taflove, Hagness]. Must be >= 0. Normally values are 0 or between 0.15 and 0.3. Unit: siemens / m.
constexpr float_64 SIGMA_KAPPA_GRADING_ORDER = 4.0
constexpr uint32_t THICKNESS = 12
namespace absorber
namespace fields
Configure incident field profile and offset of the Huygens surface for each boundary.
Available profiles:
profiles::DispersivePulse<> : Gaussian pulse allowing to set first-, second-, and third-order dispersion in focus. That is, SD, AD, GDD, and TOD, respectively.
profiles::ExpRampWithPrepulse<> : exponential ramp with prepulse wavepacket with given parameters
profiles::Free<> : custom profile with user-provided functors to calculate incident E and B
profiles::FromOpenPMDPulse<> : reads an experimental pulse chunk defined in space-time domain into the simulation; requires openPMD API dependency and a 3D simulation
profiles::GaussianPulse<> : Pulse with Gaussian profile in all three dimensions with given parameters
profiles::None : no incident field
profiles::PlaneWave<> : plane wave profile with given parameters
profiles::Polynom<> : wavepacket with a polynomial temporal intensity shape profile with given parameters
profiles::PulseFrontTilt<> : GaussianPulse with tilted pulse front with given parameters
profiles::Wavepacket<> : wavepacket with Gaussian spatial and temporal envelope profile with given parameters
All profiles but Free<>
and None
are parametrized with a profile-specific structure. Their interfaces are defined in the corresponding .def
files inside directory picongpu/fields/incidentField/profiles/. Note that all these parameter structures inherit common base structures from BaseParam.def
. Thus, a user-provided structure must also define all members according to the base struct.
In the end, this file needs to define XMin
, XMax
, YMin
, YMax
, ZMin
, ZMax
(the latter two can be skipped in 2d) type aliases in namespace picongpu::fields::incidentField
. Each of them could be a single profile or a typelist of profiles created with MakeSeq_t
. In case a typelist is used, the resulting field is a sum of effects of all profiles in the list. This file also has to define constexpr array POSITION
that controls positioning of the generating surface relative to total domain. For example:
using XMin = profiles::Free<UserFunctorIncidentE, UserFunctorIncidentB>;
using XMax = profiles::None;
using YMin = MakeSeq_t<profiles::PlaneWave<UserPlaneWaveParams>, profiles::Wavepacket<UserWavepacketParams>>;
using YMax = profiles::None;
using ZMin = profiles::Polynom<UserPolynomParams>;
using ZMax = profiles::GaussianPulse<UserGaussianPulseParams>;
constexpr int32_t POSITION[3][2] = { {16, -16}, {16, -16}, {16, -16} };
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
namespace fields
namespace incidentField
Unnamed Group
using XMin = profiles::None
Incident field profile types along each boundary, these 6 types (or aliases) are required.
using XMax = profiles::None
using YMin = profiles::None
using YMax = profiles::None
using ZMin = profiles::None
using ZMax = profiles::None
using MyProfile = profiles::Free<UserFunctorIncidentE, UserFunctorIncidentB>
Make a profile with the user-provided functors defined above.
The functors for incident field E and B must be consistent to each other. They should work for all boundaries the profile is applied to.
constexpr int32_t POSITION[3][2] = {{16, -16}, {16, -16}, {16, -16}}
Position in cells of the Huygens surface relative to start of the total domain.
The position is set as an offset, in cells, counted from the start of the total domain. For the max boundaries, negative position values are allowed. These negative values are treated as position at (global_domain_size[d] + POSITION[d][1]). It is also possible to specify the position explicitly as a positive number. Then it is on a user to make sure the position is correctly calculated wrt the grid size.
Except moving window simulations, the position must be inside the global domain. The distance between the Huygens surface and each global domain boundary must be at least absorber_thickness + (FDTD_spatial_order / 2 - 1). However beware of setting position = direction * (absorber_thickness + const), as then changing absorber parameters will affect laser positioning. When all used profiles are None, the check for POSITION validity is skipped.
For moving window simulations, POSITION for the YMax side can be located outside the initially simulated volume. In this case, parts of the generation surface outside of the currently simulated volume is are treated as if they had zero incident field and it is user’s responsibility to apply a source matching such a case.
class UserFunctorIncidentE
User-defined functor to set values of incident E field.
Public Functions
PMACC_ALIGN(m_unitField, const float3_64)
inline HDINLINE UserFunctorIncidentE(float_X const currentStep, const float3_64 unitField)
Create a functor.
- Parameters:
currentStep – current time step index, note that it is fractional
unitField – conversion factor from SI to internal units, field_internal = field_SI / unitField
- inline HDINLINE float3_X operator() (const floatD_X &totalCellIdx) const
Calculate incident field E_inc(r, t) for a source.
- Parameters:
totalCellIdx – cell index in the total domain (including all moving window slides), note that it is fractional
- Returns:
incident field value in internal units
PMACC_ALIGN(m_unitField, const float3_64)
class UserFunctorIncidentB
User-defined functor to set values of incident B field.
Public Functions
PMACC_ALIGN(m_unitField, const float3_64)
inline HDINLINE UserFunctorIncidentB(float_X const currentStep, const float3_64 unitField)
Create a functor.
- Parameters:
currentStep – current time step index, note that it is fractional
unitField – conversion factor from SI to internal units, field_internal = field_SI / unitField
- inline HDINLINE float3_X operator() (const floatD_X &totalCellIdx) const
Calculate incident field B_inc(r, t) for a source.
- Parameters:
totalCellIdx – cell index in the total domain (including all moving window slides), note that it is fractional
- Returns:
incident field value in internal units
PMACC_ALIGN(m_unitField, const float3_64)
using XMin = profiles::None
namespace incidentField
namespace fields
Configure particle pushers.
Those pushers can then be selected by a particle species in species.param and speciesDefinition.param
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
struct particlePusherAccelerationParam
Subclassed by picongpu::particlePusherAcceleration::UnitlessParam
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr float_64 AMPLITUDEx_SI = 0.0
Define strength of constant and homogeneous accelerating electric field in SI per dimension.
unit: Volt / meter
static constexpr float_64 AMPLITUDEy_SI = -1.e11
The moving window propagation direction unit: Volt / meter (1e11 V/m = 1 GV/cm)
static constexpr float_64 AMPLITUDEz_SI = 0.0
unit: Volt / meter
static constexpr float_64 ACCELERATION_TIME_SI = 10000.0 * ::picongpu::sim.si.getDt()
Acceleration duration unit: second.
static constexpr float_64 AMPLITUDEx_SI = 0.0
namespace particlePusherAxel
enum TrajectoryInterpolationType
enumerator LINEAR
enumerator NONLINEAR
enumerator LINEAR
constexpr TrajectoryInterpolationType TrajectoryInterpolation = LINEAR
enum TrajectoryInterpolationType
namespace particlePusherHigueraCary
namespace particlePusherProbe
using ActualPusher = void
Also push the probe particles?
In many cases, probe particles are static throughout the simulation. This option allows to set an “actual” pusher that shall be used to also change the probe particle positions.
particles::pusher::[all others from above]
void (no push)
using ActualPusher = void
namespace particlePusherVay
namespace particles
namespace pusher
namespace pusher
struct particlePusherAccelerationParam
Configure existing or define new normalized density profiles here.
During particle species creation in speciesInitialization.param
, those profiles can be translated to spatial particle distributions.
This profile is normalized to units of picongpu::SI::BASE_DENSITY_SI
, also defined in this file. Note that it only operates with physical density, and does not concern macroparticles. The number and sampling of macroparticles per cell are defined independently of a density profile. Please refer to documentation of picongpu::particles::CreateDensity<>
for further details on this interaction.
Available profiles:
HomogenousImpl : homogeneous density in whole simulation volume
GaussianImpl<> : Gaussian profile in ‘y’, optionally with preceeding vacuum
GaussianCloudImpl<> : Gaussian profile in all axes, optionally with preceeding vacuum in ‘y’
LinearExponentialImpl<> : linear ramping of density in ‘y’ into exponential slope after
SphereFlanksImpl<> : composition of 1D profiles, each in form of exponential increasing flank, constant sphere, exponential decreasing flank
EveryNthCellImpl<> : checkerboard profile matching the grid, particles are only present in cells with the given stride from one another in all directions
FreeFormulaImpl<> : apply user-defined functor for calculating density, refer to
for interface requirementsFromOpenPMDImpl<> : load density values from a given file, requires openPMD API dependency
In the end, this file typically defines an alias for each density profile to be used. These aliases do not have to follow any naming convention, but serve as template parameters for invocations of picongpu::particles::CreateDensity<>
in speciesInitialization.param
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
namespace densityProfiles
using Gaussian = GaussianImpl<GaussianParam>
using Homogenous = HomogenousImpl
using LinearExponential = LinearExponentialImpl<LinearExponentialParam>
using GaussianCloud = GaussianCloudImpl<GaussianCloudParam>
using SphereFlanks = SphereFlanksImpl<SphereFlanksParam>
using EveryFourthCell = EveryNthCellImpl<mCT::UInt32<4, 4, 4>>
using FreeFormula = FreeFormulaImpl<FreeFormulaFunctor>
struct GaussianParam
Profile Formula:
y < gasCenterLeft_SI
:density = densityFactor * exp(gasFactor * pow(abs((y - gasCenterLeft_SI) / gasSigmaLeft_SI), gasPower))
for :
for :
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr float_X gasFactor = -1.0
static constexpr float_X gasPower = 4.0
static constexpr uint32_t vacuumCellsY = 50
height of vacuum area on top border
this vacuum is important because of the laser initialization, which is done in the first cells of the simulation and assumes a charge-free volume unit: cells
static constexpr float_64 gasCenterLeft_SI = 4.62e-5
The central position of the distribution unit: meter.
static constexpr float_64 gasCenterRight_SI = 4.62e-5
static constexpr float_64 gasSigmaLeft_SI = 4.62e-5
the distance from gasCenter_SI until the gas density decreases to its 1/e-th part unit: meter
static constexpr float_64 gasSigmaRight_SI = 4.62e-5
static constexpr float_X densityFactor = 1._X
factor to multiply BASE_DENSITY_SI by to get density
static constexpr float_X gasFactor = -1.0
struct LinearExponentialParam
parameter for
profile* Density Profile: /\ * / -,_ * linear / -,_ exponential * slope / | -,_ slope * MAX *
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr uint32_t vacuumCellsY = 50
height of vacuum area on top border
this vacuum is important because of the laser initialization, which is done in the first cells of the simulation and assumes a charge-free volume unit: cells
static constexpr float_64 gasYMax_SI = 1.0e-3
Y-Position where the linear slope ends and the exponential slope begins unit: meter.
static constexpr float_64 gasA_SI = 1.0e-3
Parameters for the linear slope: For Y <= gasYMax_SI: \rho / BASE_DENSITY = A * Y + B = element [0.0; 1.0] unit for A: 1/m unit for B: none.
static constexpr float_64 gasD_SI = 1.0e-3
Parameters for the exponential slope For Y > gasYMax_SI: let Y’ = Y - gasYMax_SI \rho = exp[ - Y’ * D ] = element [0.0; 1.0] unit: 1/m.
static constexpr float_64 gasB = 0.0
static constexpr uint32_t vacuumCellsY = 50
struct GaussianCloudParam
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr float_X gasFactor = -0.5
Profile Formula: exponent = |globalCellPos - center| / sigma density = e^[ gasFactor * exponent^gasPower ].
static constexpr float_X gasPower = 2.0
static constexpr uint32_t vacuumCellsY = 50
height of vacuum area on top border
this vacuum is important because of the laser initialization, which is done in the first cells of the simulation and assumes a charge-free volume unit: cells
static constexpr floatD_64 center_SI = float3_64(1.134e-5, 1.134e-5, 1.134e-5).shrink<simDim>()
The central position of the gas distribution unit: meter.
static constexpr floatD_64 sigma_SI = float3_64(7.0e-6, 7.0e-6, 7.0e-6).shrink<simDim>()
the distance from gasCenter_SI until the gas density decreases to its 1/e-th part unit: meter
static constexpr float_X gasFactor = -0.5
struct SphereFlanksParam
The profile consists out of the composition of 3 1D profiles with the scheme: exponential increasing flank, constant sphere, exponential decreasing flank.
* ___ * 1D: _,./ \.,_ rho(r) * * 2D: ..,x,.. density: . low * .,xxx,. , middle * ..,x,.. x high (constant) *
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr uint32_t vacuumCellsY = 50
height of vacuum area on top border
this vacuum is important because of the laser initialization, which is done in the first cells of the simulation and assumes a charge-free volume unit: cells
static constexpr float_64 r_SI = 1.0e-3
Radius of the constant sphere unit: meter.
static constexpr float_64 ri_SI = 0.0
Inner radius if you want to build a shell/ring unit: meter.
static constexpr floatD_64 center_SI = float3_64(8.0e-3, 8.0e-3, 8.0e-3).shrink<simDim>()
Middle of the constant sphere unit: meter.
static constexpr float_64 exponent_SI = 1.0e3
Parameters for the exponential slope For distance > r_SI: let distance’ = distance - r \rho = exp[ - distance’ * exponent ] unit: 1/m.
static constexpr uint32_t vacuumCellsY = 50
struct FromOpenPMDParam
Density values taken from an openPMD file.
The density values must be a scalar dataset of type float_X, type mismatch would cause errors. This implementation would ignore all openPMD metadata but axisLabels. Each value in the dataset defines density in the cell with the corresponding total coordinate minus the given offset. When the functor is instantiated, it will load the part matching the current domain position. Density in points not present in the file would be set to the given default density. Dimensionality of the file indexing must match the simulation dimensionality. Density values are in BASE_DENSITY_SI units.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr char const *filename = "density.h5"
Path to the openPMD input file.
This value can alternatively be controlled at runtime by setting it to “” here and providing command-line option <species>_runtimeDensityFile. Refer to description of this command-line option for details. Note that runtime option only exists for this parameter, and not others in this struct.
File-based iteration format is also supported, with the usual openPMD API naming scheme.
It is recommended to use a full path to make it independent of how PIConGPU is launched. Relative paths require consistency to the current directory when PIConGPU is started. With tbg and the standard .tpl files, relative to the resulting simOutput directory.
static constexpr char const *datasetName = "e_density"
Name of the openPMD dataset inside the file.
By default, this dataset indexing is assumed to be in (x, y, z) coordinates. This can be changed by setting openPMD attribute “axisLabels” of the correponding dataset. For example, PIConGPU output uses z-y-x via this attribute, and that automatically works. Note that only C dataOrder is supported.
it is only the dataset itself, a simple text name and not something like “/[directories]/density/[iteration]/fields/e_density”.
static constexpr uint32_t iteration = 0
Iteration inside the file (only file, not related to the current simulation time iteration)
static constexpr DataSpace<simDim> offset = DataSpace<DIM3>(0, 0, 0).shrink<simDim>()
Offset in the file in cells: each value is density at (total cell index - offset)
This offset is in (x, y, z) coordinates. Positive offset means the file values “start” from index == offset in the total coordinates. Negative offset is also supported.
static constexpr float_X defaultDensity = 0.0_X
Default value to be used for cells with no corresponding file value.
static constexpr char const *filename = "density.h5"
struct FreeFormulaFunctor
Public Functions
- inline HDINLINE float_X operator() (const floatD_64 &position_SI, const float3_64 &cellSize_SI)
This formula uses SI quantities only.
The profile will be multiplied by BASE_DENSITY_SI.
- Parameters:
position_SI – total offset including all slides [meter]
cellSize_SI – cell sizes [meter]
- Returns:
float_X density [normalized to 1.0]
using Gaussian = GaussianImpl<GaussianParam>
namespace densityProfiles
This file defines available attributes that can be stored with each particle of a particle species.
Each attribute defined here needs to implement furthermore the traits
MacroWeighted in speciesAttributes.unitless for further information about these traits see therein.
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
using atomicPhysicsIonParticleAttributes = MakeSeq_t<boundElectrons, atomicStateCollectionIndex, processClass, transitionIndex, binIndex, accepted>
collection of attributes required for atomic physics attributes
- Attention
boundElectrons is contained in the list, please do not add it twice.
relative (to cell origin) in-cell position of a particle
With this definition we do not define any type like float3_X, float3_64, … This is only a name without a specialization.
- value_identifier_func (uint64_t, particleId,([](auto const &worker, IdGenerator &idGen) constexpr { return idGen.fetchInc(worker);}),(pmacc::particles::identifier::CallCopy{}),(pmacc::particles::identifier::CallInitValue{}))
unique identifier for a particle
- value_identifier (floatD_X, position_pic, floatD_X::create(0.))
specialization for the relative in-cell position
- value_identifier (float3_X, momentum, float3_X::create(0.))
momentum at timestep t
- value_identifier (float3_X, momentumPrev1, float3_X::create(0._X))
momentum at (previous) timestep t-1
- value_identifier (float_X, weighting, 0._X)
weighting of the macro particle
- value_identifier (float_X, weightingDampingFactor, 1._X)
optional damping factor for weighting of the macro particle
This factor is only used for current deposition with absorbing particle boundaries and PML. In case this attribute is defined, affected particles would have their weightings damped only for that procedure. Otherwise, the damping would affect weighting directly and so potentially overall properties like density. It should be generally not a considerable issue, except lots of particles move from PML to internal area.
Thus, for efficiency reasons it is recommended to not enable this attribute by default.
- value_identifier (float3_X, probeE, float3_X::create(0.))
interpolated electric field with respect to particle shape
Attribute can be added to any species.
- value_identifier (float3_X, probeB, float3_X::create(0.))
interpolated magnetic field with respect to particle shape
Attribute can be added to any species.
- value_identifier (bool, radiationMask, false)
masking a particle for radiation
The mask is used by the user defined filter
in radiation.param to (de)select particles for the radiation calculation.
- value_identifier (bool, transitionRadiationMask, false)
masking a particle for transition radiation
The mask is used by the user defined filter
in transitionRadiation.param to (de)select particles for the transition radiation calculation.
- value_identifier (float_X, boundElectrons, 0._X)
number of electrons bound to the atom / ion
value type is float_X to avoid casts during the runtime
float_X instead of integer types are reasonable because effective charge numbers are possible, NOTE: but not useful, Brian, 2022
required for ion species if ionization is enabled
setting it requires atomicNumbers to also be set
- Todo:
connect default to proton number
change to uint8_t or uint32_t
- Attention
number bound electrons should always match atomicState charge state!
alias for particle ionizers, see also ionizer.param
alias for ionization energy container, see also ionizationEnergies.param
only reasonable for atoms / ions / nuclei
alias for particle flag: atomic numbers, see also ionizer.param
only reasonable for atoms / ions / nuclei
is required when boundElectrons is set
alias for particle flag: effective nuclear charge,
see also ionizer.param
only reasonable for atoms / ions / nuclei
configuration of species for atomicPhysics algorithm, see picongpu/particles/atomicPhysics/ParticleType.hpp for details
value_identifier(uint32_t, atomicStateCollectionIndex, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
particle attribute, collectionIndex of atomic state of ions
value_identifier(uint8_t, processClass, std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max())
particle attribute, process class of selected atomicPhysics transition
value_identifier(uint32_t, transitionIndex, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
particle attribute, index of chosen atomicPhysics transition
value_identifier(uint32_t, binIndex, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
particle attribute, index of bin chosen for atomicPhysics transition, if applicable for
- value_identifier (bool, accepted, false)
particle attribute, whether the selected transition was accepted
value_identifier(DataSpace<simDim>, totalCellIdx, DataSpace<simDim>())
Total cell index of a particle.
The total cell index is a N-dimensional DataSpace given by a GPU’s
added to the N-dimensional cell index the particle belongs to on that GPU.
alias for particle shape, see also species.param
alias for particle pusher, see alsospecies.param
alias for particle that emmits synchrotron radiation, see also synchrotron.param
alias for particle to field interpolation, see also species.param
alias for particle current solver, see also species.param
alias for particle mass ratio
mass ratio between base particle, see also speciesConstants.param
and a user defined speciesdefault value: 1.0 if unset
alias for particle charge ratio
charge ratio between base particle, see also speciesConstants.param
and a user defined speciesdefault value: 1.0 if unset
alias for particle density ratio
density ratio between default density, see also density.param
and a user defined speciesdefault value: 1.0 if unset
alias to reserved bytes for each communication direction
This is an optional flag and overwrites the default species configuration in memory.param.
A memory config must be of the following form:
struct ExampleExchangeMemCfg { static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_EXCHANGE_X = 5 * 1024 * 1024; static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_EXCHANGE_Y = 5 * 1024 * 1024; static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_EXCHANGE_Z = 5 * 1024 * 1024; static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_CORNER = 16 * 1024; static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_EDGES = 16 * 1024; using REF_LOCAL_DOM_SIZE = mCT::Int<0, 0, 0>; const std::array<float_X, 3> DIR_SCALING_FACTOR = {{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}}; };
alias to specify the internal pmacc boundary treatment for particles
It controls the internal behavior and intented for special cases only. To set physical boundary conditions for a species, instead use <species>_boundary command-line option.
The default behavior if this alias is not given to a species is to do nothing. The existing boundary implementations already take care of the particles leaving the global simulation volume.
using atomicPhysicsIonParticleAttributes = MakeSeq_t<boundElectrons, atomicStateCollectionIndex, processClass, transitionIndex, binIndex, accepted>
The following species attributes are defined by PMacc and always stored with a particle:
namespace pmacc
- value_identifier (lcellId_t, localCellIdx, 0)
cell of a particle inside a supercell
Value is a linear cell index inside the supercell
- value_identifier (uint8_t, multiMask, 0)
state of a particle
Particle might be valid or invalid in a particle frame. Valid particles can further be marked as candidates to leave a supercell. Possible multiMask values are:
0 (zero): no particle (invalid)
1: particle (valid)
2 to 27: (valid) particle that is about to leave its supercell but is still stored in the current particle frame. Directions to leave the supercell are defined as follows. An ExchangeType = value - 1 (e.g. 27 - 1 = 26) means particle leaves supercell in the direction of FRONT(value=18) && TOP(value=6) && LEFT(value=2) which defines a diagonal movement over a supercell corner (18+6+2=26).
Constants and thresholds for particle species.
Defines the reference mass and reference charge to express species with (default: electrons with negative charge).
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
constexpr float_X GAMMA_THRESH = 1.005_X
Threshold between relativistic and non-relativistic regime.
Threshold used for calculations that want to separate between high-precision formulas for relativistic and non-relativistic use-cases, e.g. energy-binning algorithms.
constexpr float_X GAMMA_INV_SQUARE_RAD_THRESH = 0.18_X
Threshold in radiation plugin between relativistic and non-relativistic regime.
This limit is used to decide between a pure 1-sqrt(1-x) calculation and a 5th order Taylor approximation of 1-sqrt(1-x) to avoid halving of significant digits due to the sqrt() evaluation at x = 1/gamma^2 near 0.0. With 0.18 the relative error between Taylor approximation and real value will be below 0.001% = 1e-5 * for x=1/gamma^2 < 0.18
namespace SI
constexpr float_64 BASE_MASS_SI = ELECTRON_MASS_SI
base particle mass
reference for massRatio in speciesDefinition.param
unit: kg
base particle charge
reference for chargeRatio in speciesDefinition.param
unit: C
constexpr float_64 BASE_MASS_SI = ELECTRON_MASS_SI
constexpr float_X GAMMA_THRESH = 1.005_X
Particle shape, field to particle interpolation, current solver, and particle pusher can be declared here for usage in speciesDefinition.param
See also
MODELS / Hierarchy of Charge Assignment Schemes in the online documentation for information on particle shapes.
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
using UsedParticleShape = particles::shapes::TSC
select macroparticle shape
WARNING the shape names are redefined and diverge from PIConGPU versions before 0.6.0.
particles::shapes::CIC : Assignment function is a piecewise linear spline
particles::shapes::TSC : Assignment function is a piecewise quadratic spline
particles::shapes::PQS : Assignment function is a piecewise cubic spline
particles::shapes::PCS : Assignment function is a piecewise quartic spline
using UsedField2Particle = FieldToParticleInterpolation<UsedParticleShape, AssignedTrilinearInterpolation>
select interpolation method to be used for interpolation of grid-based field values to particle positions
using UsedParticleCurrentSolver = currentSolver::Esirkepov<UsedParticleShape>
select current solver method
currentSolver::Esirkepov< SHAPE, STRATEGY > : particle shapes - CIC, TSC, PQS, PCS (1st to 4th order)
currentSolver::EmZ< SHAPE, STRATEGY > : particle shapes - CIC, TSC, PQS, PCS (1st to 4th order)
currentSolver::EZ< SHAPE, STRATEGY > : same as EmZ (just an alias to match the currently used naming)
STRATEGY (optional):
currentSolver::strategy::StridedCachedSupercellsScaled<N> with N >= 1
currentSolver::strategy::CachedSupercellsScaled<N> with N >= 1
currentSolver::strategy::NonCachedSupercellsScaled<N> with N >= 1
using UsedParticlePusher = particles::pusher::Boris
particle pusher configuration
Defining a pusher is optional for particles
particles::pusher::HigueraCary : Higuera & Cary’s relativistic pusher preserving both volume and ExB velocity
particles::pusher::Vay : Vay’s relativistic pusher preserving ExB velocity
particles::pusher::Boris : Boris’ relativistic pusher preserving volume
particles::pusher::ReducedLandauLifshitz : 4th order RungeKutta pusher with classical radiation reaction
particles::pusher::Composite : composite of two given pushers, switches between using one (or none) of those
For diagnostics & modeling: ————————————————
particles::pusher::Acceleration : Accelerate particles by applying a constant electric field
particles::pusher::Free : free propagation, ignore fields (= free stream model)
particles::pusher::Photon : propagate with c in direction of normalized mom.
particles::pusher::Probe : Probe particles that interpolate E & B For development purposes: ———————————————–—
particles::pusher::Axel : a pusher developed at HZDR during 2011 (testing)
using UsedParticleShape = particles::shapes::TSC
Define particle species.
This file collects all previous declarations of base (reference) quantities and configured solvers for species and defines particle species. This includes “attributes” (lvalues to store with each species) and “flags” (rvalues & aliases for solvers to perform with the species for each timestep and ratios to base quantities). With those information, a Particles
class is defined for each species and then collected in the list VectorAllSpecies
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
using DefaultParticleAttributes = MakeSeq_t<position<position_pic>, momentum, weighting>
describe attributes of a particle
using ParticleFlagsElectrons = MakeSeq_t<particlePusher<UsedParticlePusher>, shape<UsedParticleShape>, interpolation<UsedField2Particle>, current<UsedParticleCurrentSolver>, massRatio<MassRatioElectrons>, chargeRatio<ChargeRatioElectrons>>
using PIC_Electrons = Particles<PMACC_CSTRING("e"), ParticleFlagsElectrons, DefaultParticleAttributes>
using ParticleFlagsIons = MakeSeq_t<particlePusher<UsedParticlePusher>, shape<UsedParticleShape>, interpolation<UsedField2Particle>, current<UsedParticleCurrentSolver>, massRatio<MassRatioIons>, chargeRatio<ChargeRatioIons>, densityRatio<DensityRatioIons>, atomicNumbers<ionization::atomicNumbers::Hydrogen_t>>
using PIC_Ions = Particles<PMACC_CSTRING("i"), ParticleFlagsIons, DefaultParticleAttributes>
using VectorAllSpecies = MakeSeq_t<PIC_Electrons, PIC_Ions>
All known particle species of the simulation.
List all defined particle species from above in this list to make them available to the PIC algorithm.
- value_identifier (float_X, MassRatioElectrons, 1.0)
- value_identifier (float_X, ChargeRatioElectrons, 1.0)
- value_identifier (float_X, MassRatioIons, 1836.152672)
- value_identifier (float_X, ChargeRatioIons, -1.0)
- value_identifier (float_X, DensityRatioIons, 1.0)
using DefaultParticleAttributes = MakeSeq_t<position<position_pic>, momentum, weighting>
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
namespace particles
constexpr float_X MIN_WEIGHTING = 10.0
a particle with a weighting below MIN_WEIGHTING will not be created / will be deleted
unit: none
namespace manipulators
using AssignXDrift = unary::Drift<DriftParam, pmacc::math::operation::Assign>
Definition of manipulator that assigns a drift in X using parameters from struct DriftParam.
using AddTemperature = unary::Temperature<TemperatureParam>
Definition of manipulator assigning a temperature using parameters from struct TemperatureParam.
using AddFreeTemperature = unary::FreeTemperature<TemperatureFunctor>
Definition of manipulator that assigns a temperature according to the functor defined by struct TemperaturFunctor.
using DoubleWeighting = generic::Free<DoubleWeightingFunctor>
Definition of the free particle manipulator which doubles each weighting.
using RandomEnabledRadiation = generic::FreeRng<RandomEnabledRadiationFunctor, pmacc::random::distributions::Uniform<float_X>>
Definition of manipulator that selects macro-particles for Radiation plugin.
using RandomPosition = unary::RandomPosition
Definition of manipulator that changes the in-cell position of each particle of a species.
using SetNeutral = unary::ChargeState<0u>
definition of manipulator that sets the boundElectron attribute(charge state) of each particle of an ion of a species to neutral
struct DriftParam
Define Lorentz factor of initial particle drift.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr float_64 gamma = 1.0
static constexpr auto driftDirection = float3_X(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Define initial particle drift direction vector.
static constexpr float_64 gamma = 1.0
struct TemperatureParam
Define initial particle temperature.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr float_64 temperature = 0.0
Initial temperature unit: keV.
static constexpr float_64 temperature = 0.0
struct TemperatureFunctor
Define initial particle temperature as a function of position.
This is a functor which needs to follow the requirements of param::TemperatureFunctor.
Public Functions
inline TemperatureFunctor()
Constructor, can take currentStep or no parameters (can also be auto-generated by a compiler)
- Parameters:
currentStep – current time iteration
- inline HDINLINE float_X operator() (const DataSpace< simDim > &totalCellOffset)
Return the temperature in keV for the given position.
Return type may be float_X or float_64.
- Parameters:
totalCellOffset – total offset including all slides [in cells]
inline TemperatureFunctor()
struct DoubleWeightingFunctor
Unary particle manipulator: double each weighting.
Public Functions
- template<typename T_Particle> inline DINLINE void operator() (T_Particle &particle)
struct RandomEnabledRadiationFunctor
Define mask which randomly marks macro-particles used by the radiation plugin to calculate far field radiation.
Public Functions
- template<typename T_Rng, typename T_Particle> inline DINLINE void operator() (T_Rng &rng, T_Particle &particle)
using AssignXDrift = unary::Drift<DriftParam, pmacc::math::operation::Assign>
namespace startPosition
using Random = RandomImpl<RandomParameter>
Definition of start position functor that randomly distributes macro-particles within a cell.
using RandomPositionAndWeighting = RandomPositionAndWeightingImpl<RandomParameter>
Definition of start position functor that randomly distributes macro-particles within a cell and randomly distributes weightings across macro-particles within a cell.
using Quiet = QuietImpl<QuietParam>
Definition of Quiet start position functor that positions macro-particles regularly on the grid.
No random number generator used.
using OnePosition = OnePositionImpl<OnePositionParameter>
Definition of OnePosition start position functor that places macro-particles at the initial in-cell position defined above.
struct RandomParameter
Define target number for marco-particles per cell to be used in Random start position functor.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr uint32_t numParticlesPerCell = TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL
Maximum number of macro-particles per cell during density profile evaluation.
Determines the weighting of a macro particle as well as the number of macro-particles which sample the evolution of the particle distribution function in phase space.
unit: none
static constexpr uint32_t numParticlesPerCell = TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL
struct QuietParam
Define target number for marco-particles per cell along a direction.
To be used in Quiet start position functor.
Here, one macro-particle per cell along x, one macro-particle per cell along z, and TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL macro-particles per cell along y.
Vector is automatically reduced to two dimensions for 2D (x,y) simulations.
Public Types
using numParticlesPerDimension = mCT::shrinkTo<mCT::Int<1, TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL, 1>, simDim>::type
Count of macro-particles per cell per direction at initial state.
unit: none
using numParticlesPerDimension = mCT::shrinkTo<mCT::Int<1, TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL, 1>, simDim>::type
struct OnePositionParameter
Configuration of initial in-cell particle position.
Here, macro-particles sit directly in lower corner of the cell.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr uint32_t numParticlesPerCell = TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL
Maximum number of macro-particles per cell during density profile evaluation.
Determines the weighting of a macro particle as well as the number of macro-particles which sample the evolution of the particle distribution function in phase space.
unit: none
static constexpr auto inCellOffset = float3_X(0., 0., 0.)
each x, y, z in-cell position component in range [0.0, 1.0)
in 2D the last component is ignored
static constexpr uint32_t numParticlesPerCell = TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL
using Random = RandomImpl<RandomParameter>
constexpr float_X MIN_WEIGHTING = 10.0
namespace particles
More details on the order of initialization of particles inside a particle species can be found here.
doxygenfile: Cannot find file “unit.param
A common task in both modeling and in situ processing (output) is the selection of particles of a particle species by attributes.
Users can define such selections as particle filters in this file.
Particle filters are simple mappings assigning each particle of a species either true
or false
(ignore / filter out).
All active filters need to be listed in AllParticleFilters
. They are then combined with VectorAllSpecies
at compile-time, e.g. for plugins.
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
namespace particles
namespace filter
namespace traits
namespace filter
namespace particles
Initialize particles inside particle species.
This is the final step in setting up particles (defined in speciesDefinition.param
) via density profiles (defined in density.param
). One can then further derive particles from one species to another and manipulate attributes with “manipulators” and “filters” (defined in particle.param
and particleFilters.param
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
namespace particles
using InitPipeline = pmacc::mp_list<>
InitPipeline defines in which order species are initialized.
the functors are called in order (from first to last functor). The functors must be default-constructible and take the current time iteration as the only parameter.
using InitPipeline = pmacc::mp_list<>
namespace particles
List of all initialization methods for particle species.