Configure the pseudorandom number generator (PRNG).
Allows to select method and global seeds in order to vary the initial state of the parallel PRNG.
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
namespace random
using Generator = pmacc::random::methods::XorMin<>
Random number generation methods.
It is not allowed to change the method and restart an already existing checkpoint.
using SeedGenerator = seed::Value<42>
random number start seed
Generator to create a seed for the random number generator. Depending of the generator the seed is reproducible or or changed with each program execution.
seed::Value< 42 >
using Generator = pmacc::random::methods::XorMin<>
namespace random
namespace picongpu
this file uses the same naming convention for updated and incident field as Solver.kernel.
In this file we use camelCase “updatedField” in both code and comments to denote field E or B that is being updated (i.e. corrected) in the kernel. The other of the two fields is called “incidentField”. And for the incidentField source we explicitly use “functor” to not confuse it with the field itself. Please refer to https://picongpu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/total_field_scattered_field.html for theoretical background of this procedure.
constexpr float_64 PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399
namespace SI
constexpr float_64 SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI = 2.99792458e8
unit: m / s
constexpr float_64 MUE0_SI = 1.25663706127e-6
vacuum magnetic permability
unit: N / A^2
2022 CODATA Value, https://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?mu0
constexpr float_64 EPS0_SI = 1.0 / MUE0_SI / SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI / SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI
unit: C / (V m)
constexpr float_64 ELECTRON_MASS_SI = 9.1093837139e-31
unit: kg, 2022 CODATA value, https://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?me
constexpr float_64 ELECTRON_CHARGE_SI = -1.602176634e-19
unit: C, 2022 CODATA value, https://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?e
constexpr float_64 SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI = 2.99792458e8
constexpr float_64 PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399