



Add drift to a species (momentum)


Initialize momentum from temperature

Package Contents

class picongpu.pypicongpu.species.operation.momentum.Drift

Bases: picongpu.pypicongpu.rendering.RenderedObject

Inheritance diagram of picongpu.pypicongpu.species.operation.momentum.Drift

Add drift to a species (momentum)

Note that the drift is specified by a direction (normalized velocity vector) and gamma. Helpers to load from other representations (originating from PICMI) are provided.


direction of drift, length of one


gamma, the physicists know

check() None

check attributes for correctness

pass silently if everything is OK, throw error otherwise

fill_from_velocity(velocity: Tuple[float, float, float]) None

set attributes to represent given velocity vector

computes gamma and direction_normalized for self


velocity – velocity given as vector

fill_from_gamma_velocity(gamma_velocity: Tuple[float, float, float]) None

set attributes to represent given velocity vector multiplied with gamma

computes gamma and direction_normalized for self


velocity – velocity given as vector multiplied with gamma


custom hash function for indexing in dicts

get_rendering_context() dict | None

get rendering context representation of this object

delegates work to _get_serialized and invokes checks performed by check_context_for_type(). :raise ValidationError: on schema violation :raise RuntimeError: on schema not found :return: self as rendering context

static check_context_for_type(type_to_check: type, context: dict | None) None

check if the given context is valid for the given type

Raises on error, passes silently if okay.

  • ValidationError – on schema violation

  • RuntimeError – on schema not found

class picongpu.pypicongpu.species.operation.momentum.Temperature

Bases: picongpu.pypicongpu.rendering.RenderedObject

Inheritance diagram of picongpu.pypicongpu.species.operation.momentum.Temperature

Initialize momentum from temperature


temperature to use in keV

check() None

check validity of self

pass silently if okay, raise on error


custom hash function for indexing in dicts

get_rendering_context() dict | None

get rendering context representation of this object

delegates work to _get_serialized and invokes checks performed by check_context_for_type(). :raise ValidationError: on schema violation :raise RuntimeError: on schema not found :return: self as rendering context

static check_context_for_type(type_to_check: type, context: dict | None) None

check if the given context is valid for the given type

Raises on error, passes silently if okay.

  • ValidationError – on schema violation

  • RuntimeError – on schema not found