
This file is part of PIConGPU. Copyright 2024-2024 PIConGPU contributors Authors: Brian Edward Marre License: GPLv3+



interface required from all custom input implementations


container for easy passing of additional input as dict from user script to rendering context of simulation input

Module Contents

class picongpu.pypicongpu.customuserinput.InterfaceCustomUserInput

Bases: picongpu.pypicongpu.rendering.RenderedObject, pydantic.BaseModel

Inheritance diagram of picongpu.pypicongpu.customuserinput.InterfaceCustomUserInput

interface required from all custom input implementations

check_does_not_change_existing_key_values(firstDict: dict, secondDict: dict)

check that updating firstDict with secondDict will not change any value in firstDict

check_tags(existing_tags: list[str], tags: list[str])

check that all entries in tags are valid tags and that all tags in the union if the list elements are unique

abstract get_tags() list[str]

get a list of all tags of this CustomUserInput

abstract check() None

throw error if self not correct/consistent

abstract get_generic_rendering_context() dict[str, Any]

create and init a CustomUserInput instance and return the result of calling get_rendering_context() on it

necessary since get_rendering_context() requires a schema to verify the result of _get_serialized() for the

class in the registry which does not exist for user implementations

along the lines of:
return CustomUserInput(

rendering_context=<serialized representation of implementation>, tags=<list of tags> ).get_rendering_context() )


custom hash function for indexing in dicts

get_rendering_context() dict | None

get rendering context representation of this object

delegates work to _get_serialized and invokes checks performed by check_context_for_type(). :raise ValidationError: on schema violation :raise RuntimeError: on schema not found :return: self as rendering context

static check_context_for_type(type_to_check: type, context: dict | None) None

check if the given context is valid for the given type

Raises on error, passes silently if okay.

  • ValidationError – on schema violation

  • RuntimeError – on schema not found

class picongpu.pypicongpu.customuserinput.CustomUserInput

Bases: InterfaceCustomUserInput

Inheritance diagram of picongpu.pypicongpu.customuserinput.CustomUserInput

container for easy passing of additional input as dict from user script to rendering context of simulation input

tags: list[str] | None = None

list of tags

rendering_context: dict[str, Any] | None = None

accumulation variable of added dictionaries

addToCustomInput(custom_input: dict[str, Any], tag: str)

append dictionary to custom input dictionary

check() None

no way to check without further knowledge, may be overwritten by the user

get_tags() list[str]

get a list of all tags of this CustomUserInput

get_generic_rendering_context() dict[str, Any]

create and init a CustomUserInput instance and return the result of calling get_rendering_context() on it

necessary since get_rendering_context() requires a schema to verify the result of _get_serialized() for the

class in the registry which does not exist for user implementations

along the lines of:
return CustomUserInput(

rendering_context=<serialized representation of implementation>, tags=<list of tags> ).get_rendering_context() )

check_does_not_change_existing_key_values(firstDict: dict, secondDict: dict)

check that updating firstDict with secondDict will not change any value in firstDict

check_tags(existing_tags: list[str], tags: list[str])

check that all entries in tags are valid tags and that all tags in the union if the list elements are unique


custom hash function for indexing in dicts

get_rendering_context() dict | None

get rendering context representation of this object

delegates work to _get_serialized and invokes checks performed by check_context_for_type(). :raise ValidationError: on schema violation :raise RuntimeError: on schema not found :return: self as rendering context

static check_context_for_type(type_to_check: type, context: dict | None) None

check if the given context is valid for the given type

Raises on error, passes silently if okay.

  • ValidationError – on schema violation

  • RuntimeError – on schema not found