Phase Space

This plugin creates a 2D phase space image for a user-given spatial and momentum coordinate.

External Dependencies

The plugin is available as soon as the openPMD API is compiled in.

.cfg file

Example for y-pz phase space for the electron species (.cfg file macro):

# Calculate a 2D phase space
# - momentum range in m_e c
TGB_ePSypz="--e_phaseSpace.period 10 --e_phaseSpace.filter all y --e_phaseSpace.momentum pz --e_phaseSpace.min -1.0 --e_phaseSpace.max 1.0 --e_phaseSpace.ext h5"

The distinct options are (assuming a species e for electrons):




--e_phaseSpace.period <N>

calculate each N steps



Use filtered particles. Available filters are set up in particleFilters.param.

none <x/y/z>

spatial coordinate of the 2D phase space


--e_phaseSpace.momentum <px/py/pz>

momentum coordinate of the 2D phase space


--e_phaseSpace.min <ValL>

minimum of the momentum range

\(m_\mathrm{species} c\)

--e_phaseSpace.max <ValR>

maximum of the momentum range

\(m_\mathrm{species} c\)

--e_phaseSpace.ext <ext>

filename extension for openPMD backend


Memory Complexity


locally, a counter matrix of the size local-cells of space direction times 1024 (for momentum bins) is permanently allocated.




The 2D histograms are stored in the simOutput/phaseSpace/ directory, by default in .h5 files. A file is created per species, phasespace selection and time step.

Values are given as charge density per phase space bin. In order to scale to a simpler charge of particles per \(\mathrm{d}r_i\) and \(\mathrm{d}p_i\) -bin multiply by the cell volume dV (written as an attribute of the openPMD Mesh).

The output writes a number of non-standard custom openPMD attributes:

  • p_min and p_max: The lower and upper bounds for the momentum axis, respectively.

  • dr: The spacing of the spatial axis in PIConGPU units.

  • dV: The volume of a phase space cell. Relates to dr via dV = dp * dr where dp would be the grid spacing along the momentum axis.

  • dr_unit: The SI scaling for the spatial axis. Use this instead of gridUnitSI.

  • p_unit: The SI scaling for the momentum axis. Use this instead of gridUnitSI.

  • globalDomainOffset, globalDomainSize and globalDomainAxisLabels: Information on the global domain.

  • totalDomainOffset, totalDomainSize and totalDomainAxisLabels: Information on the total domain. Please consult the PIConGPU wiki for explanations on the meaning of global and total domain.

  • sim_unit: SI scaling for the charge density values. Alias for unitSI.

Analysis Tools

Data Reader

You can quickly load and interact with the data in Python with:

from import PhaseSpaceData
import numpy as np

ps_data = PhaseSpaceData('/home/axel/runs/lwfa_001')
# show available iterations
ps_data.get_iterations(ps="xpx", species="e", species_filter='all')

# show available simulation times
ps_data.get_times(ps="xpx", species="e", species_filter='all')

# load data for a given iteration
ps, meta = ps_data.get(ps='ypy', species='e', species_filter='all', iteration=2000)

# unit conversion from SI
mu = 1.e6  # meters to microns
e_mc_r = 1. / (9.109e-31 * 2.9979e8)  # electrons: kg * m / s to beta * gamma

Q_dr_dp = np.abs(ps) * meta.dV  # C s kg^-1 m^-2
extent = meta.extent * [mu, mu, e_mc_r, e_mc_r]  # spatial: microns, momentum: beta*gamma

# load data for a given time
ps, ps_meta = ps_data.get(ps="xpx", species="e", species_filter='all', time=1.3900e-14)

# load data for multiple iterations
ret = ps_data.get(ps="xpx", species="e", species_filter='all', iteration=[2000, 4000])

# data and metadata for iteration 2000
# (data is in same order as the value passed to the 'iteration' parameter)
ps, meta = ret[0]

Note that the spatial extent of the output over time might change when running a moving window simulation.

Matplotlib Visualizer

You can quickly plot the data in Python with:

from picongpu.plugins.plot_mpl import PhaseSpaceMPL
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# create a figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

# create the visualizer
ps_vis = PhaseSpaceMPL('path/to/run_dir', ax)

# plot
ps_vis.visualize(ps="xpx", iteration=200, species='e', species_filter='all')

# specifying simulation time is also possible (granted there is a matching iteration for that time)
ps_vis.visualize(ps="xpx", time=2.6410e-13, species='e', species_filter='all')

# plotting data for multiple simulations simultaneously also works:
ps_vis = PhaseSpaceMPL([
     ("sim1", "path/to/sim1"),
     ("sim2", "path/to/sim2"),
     ("sim3", "path/to/sim3")], ax)
ps_vis.visualize(ps="xpx", iteration=10000, species="e", species_filter='all')

The visualizer can also be used from the command line (for a single simulation only) by writing


with the following command line options




Path and filename to the run directory of a simulation.


An iteration number

-s (optional, defaults to ‘e’)

Particle species abbreviation (e.g. ‘e’ for electrons)

-f (optional, defaults to ‘all’)

Species filter string

-m (optional, defaults to ‘ypy’)

Momentum string to specify the phase space

Jupyter Widget

If you want more interactive visualization, then start a jupyter notebook and make sure that ipywidgets and ìpympl are installed.

After starting the notebook server write the following

# this is required!
%matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from IPython.display import display
from picongpu.plugins.jupyter_widgets import PhaseSpaceWidget

# provide the paths to the simulations you want to be able to choose from
# together with labels that will be used in the plot legends so you still know
# which data belongs to which simulation
w = PhaseSpaceWidget(run_dir_options=[
        ("scan1/sim4", "/path/to/scan1/sim4"),
        ("scan1/sim5", "/path/to/scan1/sim5")])

and then interact with the displayed widgets.

Plase note that per default the widget allows selection only of the ypy phase space slice for particles labelled by e. To visualize, for instance the ypy, xpx and ypz slices for particles labelled by e (as a rule background electrons) and by b (here electrons of a particle bunch) the above has to be augmented by setting and w.species.options. The final script snippet then reads:

# this is required!
%matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from IPython.display import display
from picongpu.plugins.jupyter_widgets import PhaseSpaceWidget

# provide the paths to the simulations you want to be able to choose from
# together with labels that will be used in the plot legends so you still know
# which data belongs to which simulation
w = PhaseSpaceWidget(run_dir_options=[
        ("scan1/sim4", "/path/to/scan1/sim4"),
        ("scan1/sim5", "/path/to/scan1/sim5")])'options', ('ypy', 'xpx', 'ypz'))
w.species.set_trait('options', ('e', 'b'))

Out-of-Range Behavior

Particles that are not in the range of <ValL>/<ValR> get automatically mapped to the lowest/highest bin respectively. Take care about that when setting your range and during analysis of the results.

Known Limitations

  • only one range per selected space-momentum-pair possible right now (naming collisions)

  • charge deposition uses the counter shape for now (would need one more write to neighbors to evaluate it correctly according to the shape)

  • the user has to define the momentum range in advance

  • the resolution is fixed to 1024 bins in momentum and the number of cells in the selected spatial dimension

  • While the openPMD standard has already been updated to support phase space data, the openPMD API does not yet implement this part. The openPMD attribute gridUnitSI and gridUnitDimension can hence not be correctly written yet and should be ignored in favor of the custom attributes written by this plugin.


The internal algorithm is explained in pull request #347 and in [Huebl2014].


A. Huebl. Injection Control for Electrons in Laser-Driven Plasma Wakes on the Femtosecond Time Scale, chapter 3.2, Diploma Thesis at TU Dresden & Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf for the German Degree “Diplom-Physiker” (2014),