Calculating the Memory Requirement per DeviceΒΆ

Section author: Marco Garten

The planning of simulations for realistically sized problems requires a careful estimation of memory usage and is often a trade-off between resolution of the plasma, overall box size and the available resources. The file contains a class for this purpose.

The following paragraph shows the use of the MemoryCalculator for the 4.cfg setup of the FoilLCT example example.

It is an estimate for how much memory is used per device if the whole target would be fully ionized but does not move much. Of course, the real memory usage depends on the case and the dynamics inside the simulation. We calculate the memory of just one device per row of GPUs in laser propagation direction. We hereby assume that particles are distributed equally in the transverse direction like it is set up in the FoilLCT example.

We encourage to try out this script with different settings, to see how they influence the distribution of the total memory requirement between devices.

from picongpu.utils import MemoryCalculator
from math import ceil

cell_size = 0.8e-6 / 384.  # 2.083e-9 m
y0 = 0.5e-6  # position of foil front surface (m)
y1 = 1.5e-6  # position of foil rear surface (m)
L = 10e-9  # pre-plasma scale length (m)
L_cutoff = 4 * L  # pre-plasma length (m)

sim_dim = 2
# number of cells in the simulation
Nx_all, Ny_all, Nz_all = 256, 1280, 1
# number of GPU rows in each direction
x_rows, y_rows, z_rows = 2, 2, 1
# number of cells per GPU
Nx, Ny, Nz = Nx_all / x_rows, Ny_all / y_rows, Nz_all / z_rows

vacuum_cells = ceil((y0 - L_cutoff) / cell_size)  # in front of the target
# target cells (between surfaces + pre-plasma)
target_cells = ceil((y1 - y0 + 2 * L_cutoff) / cell_size)
# number of cells (y direction) on each GPU row
GPU_rows = [0] * y_rows
cells_to_spread = vacuum_cells + target_cells
# spread the cells on the GPUs
for ii, _ in enumerate(GPU_rows):
    if cells_to_spread >= Ny:
        GPU_rows[ii] = Ny
        cells_to_spread -= Ny
        GPU_rows[ii] = cells_to_spread
# remove vacuum cells from the front rows
extra_cells = vacuum_cells
for ii, _ in enumerate(GPU_rows):
    if extra_cells >= Ny:
        GPU_rows[ii] = 0
        extra_cells -= Ny
        GPU_rows[ii] -= extra_cells

pmc = MemoryCalculator(Nx, Ny, Nz)

# typical number of particles per cell which is multiplied later for
# each species and its relative number of particles
N_PPC = 6
# conversion factor to megabyte
megabyte = 1.0 / (1024 * 1024)

target_x = Nx  # full transverse dimension of the GPU
target_z = Nz

def sx(n):
    return {1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd"}.get(n if n < 20
                                           else int(str(n)[-1]), "th")

for row, target_y in enumerate(GPU_rows):
    print("{}{} row of GPUs:".format(row + 1, sx(row + 1)))
    print("* Memory requirement per GPU:")
    # field memory per GPU
    field_gpu = pmc.mem_req_by_fields(Nx, Ny, Nz, field_tmp_slots=2,
                                      particle_shape_order=2, sim_dim=sim_dim)
    print(" + fields: {:.2f} MB".format(
        field_gpu * megabyte))

    # electron macroparticles per supercell
    e_PPC = N_PPC * (
            # H,C,N pre-ionization - higher weighting electrons
            # electrons created from C ionization
            + (6 - 2)
            # electrons created from N ionization
            + (7 - 2)
    # particle memory per GPU - only the target area contributes here
    e_gpu = pmc.mem_req_by_particles(
        target_x, target_y, target_z,
    H_gpu = pmc.mem_req_by_particles(
        target_x, target_y, target_z,
        # no bound electrons since H is pre-ionized
    C_gpu = pmc.mem_req_by_particles(
        target_x, target_y, target_z,
        num_additional_attributes=1,  # number of bound electrons
    N_gpu = pmc.mem_req_by_particles(
        target_x, target_y, target_z,
    # memory for calorimeters
    cal_gpu = pmc.mem_req_by_calorimeter(
        n_energy=1024, n_yaw=360, n_pitch=1
    ) * 2  # electrons and protons
    # memory for random number generator states
    rng_gpu = pmc.mem_req_by_rng(Nx, Ny, Nz)

    print(" + species:")
    print("  - e: {:.2f} MB".format(e_gpu * megabyte))
    print("  - H: {:.2f} MB".format(H_gpu * megabyte))
    print("  - C: {:.2f} MB".format(C_gpu * megabyte))
    print("  - N: {:.2f} MB".format(N_gpu * megabyte))
    print(" + RNG states: {:.2f} MB".format(
        rng_gpu * megabyte))
        " + particle calorimeters: {:.2f} MB".format(
            cal_gpu * megabyte))

    mem_sum = field_gpu + e_gpu + H_gpu + C_gpu + N_gpu + rng_gpu + cal_gpu
    print("* Sum of required GPU memory: {:.2f} MB".format(
        mem_sum * megabyte))

This will give the following output:

1st row of GPUs:
* Memory requirement per GPU:
 + fields: 4.58 MB
 + species:
  - e: 114.16 MB
  - H: 9.51 MB
  - C: 10.74 MB
  - N: 10.74 MB
 + RNG states: 1.88 MB
 + particle calorimeters: 5.62 MB
* Sum of required GPU memory: 157.23 MB
2nd row of GPUs:
* Memory requirement per GPU:
 + fields: 4.58 MB
 + species:
  - e: 27.25 MB
  - H: 2.27 MB
  - C: 2.56 MB
  - N: 2.56 MB
 + RNG states: 1.88 MB
 + particle calorimeters: 5.62 MB
* Sum of required GPU memory: 46.72 MB

If you have a machine or cluster node with NVIDIA GPUs you can find out the available memory size by typing nvidia-smi on a shell.