Important PIConGPU Classes

This is very, very small selection of classes of interest to get you started.


class MySimulation : public pmacc::SimulationHelper<simDim>

Global simulation controller class.

Initialises simulation data and defines the simulation steps for each iteration.

Template Parameters
  • DIM: the dimension (2-3) for the simulation

Public Functions



virtual void pluginRegisterHelp(po::options_description &desc)

Register command line parameters for this plugin.

Parameters are parsed and set prior to plugin load.

  • desc: boost::program_options description

std::string pluginGetName() const

Return the name of this plugin for status messages.


plugin name

virtual void pluginLoad()
virtual void pluginUnload()
void notify(uint32_t currentStep)

Notification callback.

For example Plugins can set their requested notification frequency at the PluginConnector

  • currentStep: current simulation iteration step

virtual void init()

Initialize simulation.

Does hardware selections/reservations, memory allocations and initializes data structures as empty.

virtual uint32_t fillSimulation()

Fills simulation with initial data after init()


returns the first step of the simulation (can be >0 for, e.g., restarts from checkpoints)

virtual void runOneStep(uint32_t currentStep)

Run one simulation step.

  • currentStep: iteration number of the current step

virtual void movingWindowCheck(uint32_t currentStep)

Check if moving window work must do.

If no moving window is needed the implementation of this function can be empty

  • currentStep: simulation step

virtual void resetAll(uint32_t currentStep)

Reset the simulation to a state such as it was after init() but for a specific time step.

Can be used to call fillSimulation() again.

void slide(uint32_t currentStep)
virtual void setInitController(IInitPlugin *initController)
MappingDesc *getMappingDescription()


class FieldE : public picongpu::fields::EMFieldBase

Representation of the electric field.

Stores field values on host and device and provides data synchronization between them.

Implements interfaces defined by SimulationFieldHelper< MappingDesc > and ISimulationData.


class FieldB : public picongpu::fields::EMFieldBase

Representation of the magnetic field.

Stores field values on host and device and provides data synchronization between them.

Implements interfaces defined by SimulationFieldHelper< MappingDesc > and ISimulationData.


class FieldJ : public pmacc::SimulationFieldHelper<MappingDesc>, public pmacc::ISimulationData

Representation of the current density field.

Stores field values on host and device and provides data synchronization between them.

Implements interfaces defined by SimulationFieldHelper< MappingDesc > and ISimulationData.


class FieldTmp : public pmacc::SimulationFieldHelper<MappingDesc>, public pmacc::ISimulationData

Representation of the temporary scalar field for plugins and temporary particle data mapped to grid (charge density, energy density, etc.)

Stores field values on host and device and provides data synchronization between them.

Implements interfaces defined by SimulationFieldHelper< MappingDesc > and ISimulationData.


template<typename T_Name, typename T_Flags, typename T_Attributes>
class Particles : public pmacc::ParticlesBase<ParticleDescription<T_Name, SuperCellSize, T_Attributes, T_Flags, bmpl::if_<bmpl::contains<T_Flags, GetKeyFromAlias<T_Flags, boundaryCondition<>>::type>, pmacc::traits::Resolve<GetKeyFromAlias<T_Flags, boundaryCondition<>>::type>::type, pmacc::HandleGuardRegion<pmacc::particles::policies::ExchangeParticles, particles::boundary::CallPluginsAndDeleteParticles>>::type>, MappingDesc, DeviceHeap>, public pmacc::ISimulationData

particle species

Template Parameters
  • T_Name: name of the species [type boost::mpl::string]

  • T_Attributes: sequence with attributes [type boost::mpl forward sequence]

  • T_Flags: sequence with flags e.g. solver [type boost::mpl forward sequence]

Public Types

using SpeciesParticleDescription = pmacc::ParticleDescription<T_Name, SuperCellSize, T_Attributes, T_Flags, typename bmpl::if_<bmpl::contains<T_Flags, typename GetKeyFromAlias<T_Flags, boundaryCondition<>>::type>, typename pmacc::traits::Resolve<typename GetKeyFromAlias<T_Flags, boundaryCondition<>>::type>::type, pmacc::HandleGuardRegion<pmacc::particles::policies::ExchangeParticles, particles::boundary::CallPluginsAndDeleteParticles>>::type>
using ParticlesBaseType = ParticlesBase<SpeciesParticleDescription, picongpu::MappingDesc, DeviceHeap>
using FrameType = typename ParticlesBaseType::FrameType
using FrameTypeBorder = typename ParticlesBaseType::FrameTypeBorder
using ParticlesBoxType = typename ParticlesBaseType::ParticlesBoxType

Public Functions

Particles(const std::shared_ptr<DeviceHeap> &heap, picongpu::MappingDesc cellDescription, SimulationDataId datasetID)
void createParticleBuffer()
void update(uint32_t const currentStep)
template<typename T_DensityFunctor, typename T_PositionFunctor>
void initDensityProfile(T_DensityFunctor &densityFunctor, T_PositionFunctor &positionFunctor, const uint32_t currentStep)
template<typename T_SrcName, typename T_SrcAttributes, typename T_SrcFlags, typename T_ManipulateFunctor, typename T_SrcFilterFunctor>
void deviceDeriveFrom(Particles<T_SrcName, T_SrcAttributes, T_SrcFlags> &src, T_ManipulateFunctor &manipulateFunctor, T_SrcFilterFunctor &srcFilterFunctor)
SimulationDataId getUniqueId()

Return the globally unique identifier for this simulation data.


globally unique identifier

void synchronize()

Synchronizes simulation data, meaning accessing (host side) data will return up-to-date values.

void syncToDevice()

Synchronize data from host to device.

Public Static Functions

static pmacc::traits::StringProperty getStringProperties()


template<class T_ParticleShape, class T_DerivedAttribute>
class ComputeGridValuePerFrame

Public Types

using AssignmentFunction = typename T_ParticleShape::ChargeAssignment
using LowerMargin = typename pmacc::math::CT::make_Int<simDim, lowerMargin>::type
using UpperMargin = typename pmacc::math::CT::make_Int<simDim, upperMargin>::type

Public Functions

HDINLINE ComputeGridValuePerFrame()
HDINLINE float1_64 picongpu::particles::particleToGrid::ComputeGridValuePerFrame::getUnit() const

return unit for this solver


solver unit

HINLINE std::vector< float_64 > picongpu::particles::particleToGrid::ComputeGridValuePerFrame::getUnitDimension() const

return powers of the 7 base measures for this solver

characterizing the unit of the result of the solver in SI (length L, mass M, time T, electric current I, thermodynamic temperature theta, amount of substance N, luminous intensity J)

template<typename FrameType, typename TVecSuperCell, typename BoxTmp, typename T_Acc>DINLINE void picongpu::particles::particleToGrid::ComputeGridValuePerFrame::operator()(T_Acc const & acc, FrameType & frame, const int localIdx, const TVecSuperCell superCell, BoxTmp & tmpBox)

Public Static Functions

HINLINE std::string picongpu::particles::particleToGrid::ComputeGridValuePerFrame::getName()

return name of the this solver


name of solver

Public Static Attributes

constexpr int supp = AssignmentFunction::support
constexpr int lowerMargin = supp / 2
constexpr int upperMargin = (supp + 1) / 2