Bunch: Thomson scattering from laser electron-bunch interaction

  • author: Richard Pausch <r.pausch (at) hzdr.de>, Rene Widera <r.widera (at) hzdr.de>
  • maintainer: Richard Pausch <r.pausch (at) hzdr.de>

This is a simulation of an electron bunch that collides head-on with a laser pulse. Depending on the number of electrons in the bunch, their momentum and their distribution and depending on the laser wavelength and intensity, the emitted radiation differs. A general description of this simulation can be found in [PauschDipl]. A detailed analysis of this bunch simulation can be found in [Pausch13]. A theoretical study of the emitted radiation in head-on laser electron collisions can be found in [Esarey93].

This test simulates an electron bunch with a relativistic gamma factor of gamma=5.0 and with a laser with a_0=1.0. The resulting radiation should scale with the number of real electrons (incoherent radiation).


[PauschDipl]Richard Pausch. Electromagnetic Radiation from Relativistic Electrons as Characteristic Signature of their Dynamics, Diploma Thesis TU Dresden (2012), http://www.hzdr.de/db/Cms?pOid=38997
[Pausch13]R. Pausch, A. Debus, R. Widera, K. Steiniger, A. Huebl, H. Burau, M. Bussmann, U. Schramm. How to test and verify radiation diagnostics simulations within particle-in-cell frameworks, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2013.10.073
[Esarey93]E. Esarey, S. Ride, P. Sprangle. Nonlinear Thomson scattering of intense laser pulses from beams and plasmas, Physical Review E (1993), http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.48.3003