
This document describes the process of executing a simulation after all parameters have been configured.

This doument describes the current state of the implementation, which does not implement all necessary features for productive HPC use. For HPC it is best to just generate input files and ignore running a simulation entirely.

The starting point is a picmi simulation object, e.g. initialized like that:

from picongpu import picmi
grid = picmi.Cartesian3DGrid(number_of_cells=[192, 2048, 12],
                             lower_bound=[0, 0, 0],
                             upper_bound=[3.40992e-5, 9.07264e-5, 2.1312e-6],
                             lower_boundary_conditions=["open", "open", "periodic"],
                             upper_boundary_conditions=["open", "open", "periodic"])
solver = picmi.ElectromagneticSolver(method="Yee", grid=grid)
laser = picmi.GaussianLaser(0.8e-6, 5.0e-6 / 1.17741, 5.0e-15,
                            propagation_direction=[0, 1, 0],
                            focal_position=[0, 4.62e-5, 0]
sim = picmi.Simulation(time_step_size=1.39e-16, max_steps=int(2048), solver=solver)
sim.add_laser(laser, None)

The object sim now bundles all information and is consequently the only way we will refer to the parameters.

“Running” a simulation means the execution of the following steps:

  1. Generating the code (.param, .cfg) from the given parameters and joining those files with the predifined template (pic-create)

  2. Building (compiling) the PIConGPU simulation (pic-build)

  3. Running the simulation (tbg) itself

These steps can be invoked using two main methods:

  • the PICMI native interface (methods specified by picmi)

  • the PyPIConGPU Runner

For basic operation the PICMI native interface is sufficient, but for a tight control of the individual steps please use the PyPIConGPU runner.

PICMI Native Interface

This describes the implementation of the methods to run the simulation as described by PICMI.

It is mainly supported to conform to PICMI, but PIConGPU is much more complicated than this interface.

Unless testing a small scenario, please use the Runner as specified below.

Internally, this creates a runner and calls the necessary steps. To retrieve this runner, call sim.picongpu_get_runner(). (See below for usage.) This is not recommended to control the simulation run, because you will skip all sanity checks. Instead, create the runner yourself using the methods outline below.

Only Create Input Data

# sim init...

This creates an input data set to be consumed by PIConGPU – after this call, PICMI is no longer required for the operation at all. This, in turn, means that you now have to call the other tools (pic-build, tbg) on your own.

The passed location must be a not-yet-existing directory. After this call this directory will be populated and you can run pic-build there.

This is intended for environments where you can’t use the Runner as described below.

Run the Simulation Directly

# sim init...

This runs the entire build pipeline.

PICMI specifies that you can run an arbitrary number of steps. This is not the case for PyPIConGPU. You can only run all steps at once. (Any other number of steps will raise an error.)

Note: While it would theoretically be possible to run a PIConGPU simulation one step at a time, that would be ludicrously expensive in terms of execution overhead an memory throughput. If you want to do that, please use PIConGPU without PyPIConGPU.

This also has no multi-device support: Without additional configuration it is impossible to ensure that a simulation is correctly distributed across multiple nodes.

Unless a scratch directory is configured via the environment variable $SCRATCH, the results will be saved to the temporary directory (/tmp). In this case a fat warning will be printed.

To retrieve the result location, use:

# sim init...
runner = sim.picongpu_get_runner()

import os
print("results are located at: {}", os.path.join(runner.run_dir, "simOutput"))

Did I emphasize enough that you should rather use the runner?

PyPIConGPU Runner

The PyPIConGPU Runner object is the intended way for simulations to be created and executed.

It is initialized using either a PICMI simulation object or alternatively a PyPIConGPU simulation object. (Note: If PICMI is enough for you, you will probably never see a pypicongpu simulation object. In this case just forget the last paragraph, just use your simulation object.)

Additionally you can supply up to four locations (see next section), but all of them are optional. Generally speaking, just setting the environment variable $SCRATCH is enough for an okay-ish operation. (To help your future self please organize yourself a little bit better.)

The Runner object tries to help you by running plenty of checks on your configuration. If you did an obvious mistake it will instantly fail, non-obvious mistakes can still cause problems down the road – it is not uncommon for fails to occur after 2 minutes of building. (So don’t run away 10 seconds after launch.)

Please use the constructor for the settings, as the majority of checks will occur there. You can access the settings directly (see: Dirty Tricks), but this will bypass many of the checks and should normally only be done for reading the settings.

Used Locations

  • scratch directory (scratch_dir): Directory, where many results can be stored. Must be accessable from all involved machines. (PyPIConGPU does not check that!) If not specified, will be loaded from the environment variable $SCRATCH. Possibly just specify your scratch location in your environment where you also load PIConGPU. Note: Do not use your home as scratch on HPC. Will be left empty if not specified. Must already exist if specified.

  • setup directory (setup_dir): Holds the parameter set and pic-build is called from here. Will be generated in temporary directory (/tmp) if not given. Must not yet exist when invoking the runner. If you just want to run a simulation, the setup dir is not important to you. Forget this paragraph.

  • run directory (run_dir): Holds all data associated with a single PIConGPU run. This includes the input data (copy of setup dir) and all results, typically inside the subdirectory ``simOutput``. Must be accessable from all involved machines. (This is not checked automatically!) If not given, a directory inside the scratch dir will be generated. Must not yet exist when invoking the runner.

  • template directory (pypicongpu_template_dir): Only needs to be specified if things fail. (Specifically, generation fails at pic-create). Holds the template inside which the generated code is placed.

In summary:


must exist

must not exist

created by

used by







holds many run dirs




generation (pic-create)

build (pic-build)

holds one simulation setup (“scenario”)




execution (tbg)

user/analysis scripts

holds results of a single simulation run




PyPIConGPU source code

generation (pic-create)

holds predefined project template – can usually be ignored

Normal Operation

# sim initialized ...
from picongpu.pypicongpu.runner import Runner
r = Runner(sim, run_dir="/scratch/mydata/new_run")

import os
results_dir = os.path.join(r.run_dir, "simOutput")

Set the parameters (setup_dir, scratch_dir, run_dir, pypicongpu_template_dir) in the constructor of the Runner. All parameters are optional, pypicongpu will try to guess them for you.

Some sanity checks are performed on all given parameters, and all paths will be translated to absolute paths. For all paths only a small character set is allowed: Alphanum, -_. (and /): This is to ensure compatibility to the used tools, as they frequently have hiccups on “special” characters. The used dirs will be logged with the level info.

After the Runner has been constructed the used directories can be accessed directly:

r = Runner(sim, run_dir="/scratch/mydata/new_run")

# re-do some checks already performed inside the Runner
import os
assert not os.path.exists(r.run_dir)
assert not os.path.exists(r.setup_dir)

assert os.path.isdir(r.setup_dir)

import tempfile
if r.setup_dir.startswith(tempfile.gettempdir()):
    print("will build inside tempdir")

In addition to the checks in the constructor, some sanity checks are performed when invoking the individual steps. These steps are (as outlined above):

  • generate(): translate the PICMI simulation to PIConGPU-understandable files

  • build(): prepare the simulation for execution by calling pic-build

  • run(): execute the actual simulation

Every step can only be called once, and exactly in that order.

If a step itself fails (i.e. the invoked programs return something else than 0), execution is aborted and the program output (stdout & stderr) printed.

It is completely valid (and intended design goal) that you can only run some of the steps: When run() (or more precisely tbg) can’t handle your local job submission system, you might only build:

r = Runner(sim, setup_dir="/scratch/mysetups/setup01")
# ... now manually submit the job from /scratch/mysetups/setup01

Dirty Tricks

While the Runner is designed to control the entire lifecycle of a simulation, you can try to feed it a simulation/setup where other steps have been performed externally.

For that skip the checks in the constructor: Construct the object using an empty simulation and then overwrite the generated paths:

from picongpu.pypicongpu.runner import Runner
from picongpu.pypicongpu.simulation import Simulation

empty_sim = Simulation()
# leave all dirs empty, this way no checks will trigger
r = Runner(empty_sim)
# now overwrite setup dir
r.setup_dir = "/other/prepared/setup"

# skip r.generate() (which would fail), directly build

While you can try that for you local setup, it is not guaranteed to work.