PIC Core


The spatial dimensionality of the simulation.



Possible values: DIM3 for 3D3V and DIM2 for 2D3V.

namespace picongpu


constexpr uint32_t picongpusimDim = SIMDIM


Definition of cell sizes and time step.

Our cells are defining a regular, cartesian grid. Our explicit FDTD field solvers define an upper bound for the time step value in relation to the cell size for convergence. Make sure to resolve important wavelengths of your simulation, e.g. shortest plasma wavelength and central laser wavelength both spatially and temporarily.

Units in reduced dimensions

In 2D3V simulations, the CELL_DEPTH_SI (Z) cell length is still used for normalization of densities, etc..

A 2D3V simulation in a cartesian PIC simulation such as ours only changes the degrees of freedom in motion for (macro) particles and all (field) information in z travels instantaneous, making the 2D3V simulation behave like the interaction of infinite “wire particles” in fields with perfect symmetry in Z.

namespace picongpu


constexpr uint32_t picongpuABSORBER_CELLS[3][2]

= {

{32, 32},

{32, 32},

{32, 32}


Defines the size of the absorbing zone (in cells)

unit: none

constexpr float_X picongpuABSORBER_STRENGTH[3][2]

= {

{1.0e-3, 1.0e-3},

{1.0e-3, 1.0e-3},

{1.0e-3, 1.0e-3}


Define the strength of the absorber for any direction.

unit: none

constexpr float_64 picongpumovePoint = 0.9

When to start moving the co-moving window.

Slide point model: A virtual photon starts at t=0 at the lower end of the global simulation box in y-direction of the simulation. When it reaches movePoint % of the global simulation box, the co-moving window starts to move with the speed of light.

global simulation area: there is one additional “hidden” row of gpus at the y-front, when you use the co-moving window. 1.0 would correspond to: start moving exactly when the above described “virtual photon” from the lower end of the box’ Y-axis reaches the beginning of this “hidden” row of GPUs.

namespace picongpuSI


constexpr float_64 picongpu::SIDELTA_T_SI = 0.8e-16

Duration of one timestep unit: seconds.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::SICELL_WIDTH_SI = 0.1772e-6

equals X unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::SICELL_HEIGHT_SI = 0.4430e-7

equals Y - the laser & moving window propagation direction unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::SICELL_DEPTH_SI = CELL_WIDTH_SI

equals Z unit: meter


Select a user-defined simulation class here, e.g.

with strongly modified initialization and/or PIC loop beyond the parametrization given in other .param files.

namespace simulation_starter

Simulation Starter Selection: This value does usually not need to be changed.

Change only if you want to implement your own SimulationHelper (e.g. MySimulation) class.

  • defaultPIConGPU : default PIConGPU configuration


Configure the field solver.

Select the numerical Maxwell solver (e.g. Yee’s method).

Also allows to configure ad hoc mitigations for high frequency noise in some setups via current smoothing.

namespace picongpu
namespace picongpufields


using picongpu::fields::CurrentInterpolation = typedef currentInterpolation::None

Current Interpolation.

CurrentInterpolation is used to set a method performing the interpolate/assign operation from the generated currents of particle species to the electro-magnetic fields.

Allowed values are:

  • None:
    • default for staggered grids/Yee-scheme
    • updates E
  • Binomial: 2nd order Binomial filter
    • smooths the current before assignment in staggered grid
    • updates E & breaks local charge conservation slightly
  • NoneDS:
    • experimental assignment for all-centered/directional splitting
    • updates E & B at the same time

using picongpu::fields::Solver = typedef maxwellSolver::Yee< CurrentInterpolation >


Field Solver Selection:

  • Yee< CurrentInterpolation > : standard Yee solver
  • Lehe< CurrentInterpolation >: Num. Cherenkov free field solver in a chosen direction
  • DirSplitting< CurrentInterpolation >: Sentoku’s Directional Splitting Method
  • None< CurrentInterpolation >: disable the vacuum update of E and B


Configure laser profiles.

All laser propagate in y direction.

Available profiles:

  • None : no laser init
  • GaussianBeam : Gaussian beam (focusing)
  • PulseFrontTilt : Gaussian beam with a tilted pulse envelope in ‘x’ direction
  • PlaneWave : a plane wave (Gaussian in time)
  • Wavepacket : wavepacket (Gaussian in time and space, not focusing)
  • Polynom : a polynomial laser envelope
  • ExpRampWithPrepulse : wavepacket with exponential upramps and prepulse

In the end, this file needs to define a Selected class in namespace picongpu::fields::laserProfiles. A typical profile consists of a laser profile class and its parameters. For example:

using Selected = GaussianBeam< GaussianBeamParam >;

namespace picongpu
namespace picongpufields
namespace picongpu::fieldslaserProfiles


using picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::Selected = typedef None<>

currently selected laser profile

struct picongpu::fields::laserProfilesExpRampWithPrepulseParam

Based on a wavepacket with Gaussian spatial envelope.

and the following temporal shape: A Gaussian peak (optionally lengthened by a plateau) is preceded by two pieces of exponential preramps, defined by 3 (time, intensity)- -points. The first two points get connected by an exponential, the 2nd and 3rd point are connected by another exponential, which is then extrapolated to the peak. The Gaussian is added everywhere, but typically contributes significantly only near the peak. It is advisable to set the third point far enough from the plateau (approx 3*FWHM), then the contribution from the Gaussian is negligible there, and the intensity can be set as measured from the laser profile. Optionally a Gaussian prepulse can be added, given by the parameters of the relative intensity and time point. The time of the prepulse and the three preramp points are given in SI, the intensities are given as multiples of the peak intensity.

Public Types

enum picongpu::fields::laserProfilesPolarisationType

Available polarisation types.


picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_X = 1u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_Z = 2u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesCIRCULAR = 4u

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamINT_RATIO_PREPULSE = 0.
constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamINT_RATIO_POINT_1 = 1.e-8
constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamINT_RATIO_POINT_2 = 1.e-4
constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamINT_RATIO_POINT_3 = 1.e-4
constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamTIME_PREPULSE_SI = -950.0e-15
constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamTIME_PEAKPULSE_SI = 0.0e-15
constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamTIME_POINT_1_SI = -1000.0e-15
constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamTIME_POINT_2_SI = -300.0e-15
constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamTIME_POINT_3_SI = -100.0e-15
constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamWAVE_LENGTH_SI = 0.8e-6

unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamUNITCONV_A0_to_Amplitude_SI = -2.0 * PI / WAVE_LENGTH_SI * ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_MASS_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI / ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_CHARGE_SI


constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParam_A0 = 20.

unit: W / m^2

unit: none

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamAMPLITUDE_SI = _A0 * UNITCONV_A0_to_Amplitude_SI

unit: Volt /meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamLASER_NOFOCUS_CONSTANT_SI = 0.0 * WAVE_LENGTH_SI / ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI

unit: Volt /meter

The profile of the test Lasers 0 and 2 can be stretched by a constant area between the up and downramp unit: seconds

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamPULSE_LENGTH_SI = 3.0e-14 / 2.35482

Pulse length: sigma of std.

gauss for intensity (E^2) PULSE_LENGTH_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / [ 2*sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } ] [ 2.354820045 ] Info: FWHM_of_Intensity = FWHM_Illumination = what a experimentalist calls “pulse duration” unit: seconds (1 sigma)

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamW0_X_SI = 2.5 * WAVE_LENGTH_SI

beam waist: distance from the axis where the pulse intensity (E^2) decreases to its 1/e^2-th part, WO_X_SI is this distance in x-direction W0_Z_SI is this distance in z-direction if both values are equal, the laser has a circular shape in x-z W0_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } [ 1.17741 ] unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamW0_Z_SI = W0_X_SI
constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamRAMP_INIT = 16.0

The laser pulse will be initialized half of PULSE_INIT times of the PULSE_LENGTH before plateau and half at the end of the plateau unit: none.

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParaminitPlaneY = 0

cell from top where the laser is initialized

if initPlaneY == 0 than the absorber are disabled. if initPlaneY > absorbercells negative Y the negative absorber in y direction is enabled

valid ranges:

  • initPlaneY == 0
  • absorber cells negative Y < initPlaneY < cells in y direction of the top gpu

constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamLASER_PHASE = 0.0

laser phase shift (no shift: 0.0)

sin(omega*time + laser_phase): starts with phase=0 at center > E-field=0 at center

unit: rad, periodic in 2*pi

constexpr PolarisationType picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::ExpRampWithPrepulseParamPolarisation = LINEAR_X

Polarization selection.

struct picongpu::fields::laserProfilesGaussianBeamParam

Public Types

enum picongpu::fields::laserProfilesPolarisationType

Available polarisation types.


picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_X = 1u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_Z = 2u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesCIRCULAR = 4u
using picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamLAGUERREMODES_t = gaussianBeam::LAGUERREMODES_t

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamWAVE_LENGTH_SI = 0.8e-6

unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamUNITCONV_A0_to_Amplitude_SI = -2.0 * PI / WAVE_LENGTH_SI * ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_MASS_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI / ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_CHARGE_SI

Convert the normalized laser strength parameter a0 to Volt per meter.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamAMPLITUDE_SI = 1.738e13

unit: W / m^2

unit: none unit: Volt / meter unit: Volt / meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamPULSE_LENGTH_SI = 10.615e-15 / 4.0

Pulse length: sigma of std.

gauss for intensity (E^2) PULSE_LENGTH_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / [ 2*sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } ] [ 2.354820045 ] Info: FWHM_of_Intensity = FWHM_Illumination = what a experimentalist calls “pulse duration”

unit: seconds (1 sigma)

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamW0_SI = 5.0e-6 / 1.17741

beam waist: distance from the axis where the pulse intensity (E^2) decreases to its 1/e^2-th part, at the focus position of the laser W0_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } [ 1.17741 ]

unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamFOCUS_POS_SI = 4.62e-5

the distance to the laser focus in y-direction unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamPULSE_INIT = 20.0

The laser pulse will be initialized PULSE_INIT times of the PULSE_LENGTH.

unit: none

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParaminitPlaneY = 0

cell from top where the laser is initialized

if initPlaneY == 0 than the absorber are disabled. if initPlaneY > absorbercells negative Y the negative absorber in y direction is enabled

valid ranges:

  • initPlaneY == 0
  • absorber cells negative Y < initPlaneY < cells in y direction of the top gpu

constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamLASER_PHASE = 0.0

laser phase shift (no shift: 0.0)

sin(omega*time + laser_phase): starts with phase=0 at center > E-field=0 at center

unit: rad, periodic in 2*pi

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamMODENUMBER = gaussianBeam::MODENUMBER
constexpr PolarisationType picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::GaussianBeamParamPolarisation = CIRCULAR

Polarization selection.

struct picongpu::fields::laserProfilesPlaneWaveParam

Public Types

enum picongpu::fields::laserProfilesPolarisationType

Available polarization types.


picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_X = 1u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_Z = 2u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesCIRCULAR = 4u

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParamWAVE_LENGTH_SI = 0.8e-6

unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParamUNITCONV_A0_to_Amplitude_SI = -2.0 * PI / WAVE_LENGTH_SI * ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_MASS_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI / ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_CHARGE_SI

Convert the normalized laser strength parameter a0 to Volt per meter.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParam_A0 = 1.5

unit: W / m^2

unit: none

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParamAMPLITUDE_SI = _A0 * UNITCONV_A0_to_Amplitude_SI

unit: Volt / meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParamLASER_NOFOCUS_CONSTANT_SI = 13.34e-15

unit: Volt / meter

The profile of the test Lasers 0 and 2 can be stretched by a constant area between the up and downramp unit: seconds

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParamPULSE_LENGTH_SI = 10.615e-15 / 4.0

Pulse length: sigma of std.

gauss for intensity (E^2) PULSE_LENGTH_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / [ 2*sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } ] [ 2.354820045 ] Info: FWHM_of_Intensity = FWHM_Illumination = what a experimentalist calls “pulse duration” unit: seconds (1 sigma)

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParaminitPlaneY = 0

cell from top where the laser is initialized

if initPlaneY == 0 than the absorber are disabled. if initPlaneY > absorbercells negative Y the negative absorber in y direction is enabled

valid ranges:

  • initPlaneY == 0
  • absorber cells negative Y < initPlaneY < cells in y direction of the top gpu

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParamRAMP_INIT = 20.6146

The laser pulse will be initialized half of PULSE_INIT times of the PULSE_LENGTH before and after the plateau unit: none.

constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParamLASER_PHASE = 0.0

laser phase shift (no shift: 0.0)

sin(omega*time + laser_phase): starts with phase=0 at center > E-field=0 at center

unit: rad, periodic in 2*pi

constexpr PolarisationType picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PlaneWaveParamPolarisation = LINEAR_X

Polarization selection.

struct picongpu::fields::laserProfilesPolynomParam

Based on a wavepacket with Gaussian spatial envelope.

Wavepacket with a polynomial temporal intensity shape.

Public Types

enum picongpu::fields::laserProfilesPolarisationType

Available polarization types.


picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_X = 1u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_Z = 2u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesCIRCULAR = 4u

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamWAVE_LENGTH_SI = 0.8e-6

unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamUNITCONV_A0_to_Amplitude_SI = -2.0 * PI / WAVE_LENGTH_SI * ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_MASS_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI / ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_CHARGE_SI

Convert the normalized laser strength parameter a0 to Volt per meter.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamAMPLITUDE_SI = 1.738e13

unit: W / m^2

unit: none unit: Volt / meter unit: Volt / meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamLASER_NOFOCUS_CONSTANT_SI = 13.34e-15

The profile of the test Lasers 0 and 2 can be stretched by a constant area between the up and downramp unit: seconds.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamPULSE_LENGTH_SI = 10.615e-15 / 4.0

Pulse length: sigma of std.

gauss for intensity (E^2) PULSE_LENGTH_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / [ 2*sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } ] [ 2.354820045 ] Info: FWHM_of_Intensity = FWHM_Illumination = what a experimentalist calls “pulse duration” unit: seconds (1 sigma)

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamW0_X_SI = 4.246e-6

beam waist: distance from the axis where the pulse intensity (E^2) decreases to its 1/e^2-th part, at the focus position of the laser unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamW0_Z_SI = W0_X_SI
constexpr uint32_t picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParaminitPlaneY = 0

cell from top where the laser is initialized

if initPlaneY == 0 than the absorber are disabled. if initPlaneY > absorbercells negative Y the negative absorber in y direction is enabled

valid ranges:

  • initPlaneY == 0
  • absorber cells negative Y < initPlaneY < cells in y direction of the top gpu

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamPULSE_INIT = 20.0

The laser pulse will be initialized PULSE_INIT times of the PULSE_LENGTH.

unit: none

constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamLASER_PHASE = 0.0

laser phase shift (no shift: 0.0)

sin(omega*time + laser_phase): starts with phase=0 at center > E-field=0 at center

unit: rad, periodic in 2*pi

constexpr PolarisationType picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PolynomParamPolarisation = LINEAR_X

Polarization selection.

struct picongpu::fields::laserProfilesPulseFrontTiltParam

Public Types

enum picongpu::fields::laserProfilesPolarisationType

Available polarisation types.


picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_X = 1u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_Z = 2u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesCIRCULAR = 4u

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamWAVE_LENGTH_SI = 0.8e-6

unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamUNITCONV_A0_to_Amplitude_SI = -2.0 * PI / WAVE_LENGTH_SI * ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_MASS_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI / ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_CHARGE_SI

Convert the normalized laser strength parameter a0 to Volt per meter.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamAMPLITUDE_SI = 1.738e13

unit: W / m^2

unit: none unit: Volt / meter unit: Volt / meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamPULSE_LENGTH_SI = 10.615e-15 / 4.0

Pulse length: sigma of std.

gauss for intensity (E^2) PULSE_LENGTH_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / [ 2*sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } ] [ 2.354820045 ] Info: FWHM_of_Intensity = FWHM_Illumination = what a experimentalist calls “pulse duration”

unit: seconds (1 sigma)

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamW0_SI = 5.0e-6 / 1.17741

beam waist: distance from the axis where the pulse intensity (E^2) decreases to its 1/e^2-th part, at the focus position of the laser W0_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } [ 1.17741 ]

unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamFOCUS_POS_SI = 4.62e-5

the distance to the laser focus in y-direction unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamTILT_X_SI = 0.0

the tilt angle between laser propagation in y-direction and laser axis in x-direction (0 degree == no tilt) unit: degree

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamPULSE_INIT = 20.0

The laser pulse will be initialized PULSE_INIT times of the PULSE_LENGTH.

unit: none

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParaminitPlaneY = 0

cell from top where the laser is initialized

if initPlaneY == 0 than the absorber are disabled. if initPlaneY > absorbercells negative Y the negative absorber in y direction is enabled

valid ranges:

  • initPlaneY == 0
  • absorber cells negative Y < initPlaneY < cells in y direction of the top gpu

constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamLASER_PHASE = 0.0

laser phase shift (no shift: 0.0)

sin(omega*time + laser_phase): starts with phase=0 at center > E-field=0 at center

unit: rad, periodic in 2*pi

constexpr PolarisationType picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::PulseFrontTiltParamPolarisation = CIRCULAR

Polarization selection.

struct picongpu::fields::laserProfilesWavepacketParam

Public Types

enum picongpu::fields::laserProfilesPolarisationType

Available polarisation types.


picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_X = 1u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesLINEAR_Z = 2u
picongpu::fields::laserProfilesCIRCULAR = 4u

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamWAVE_LENGTH_SI = 0.8e-6

unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamUNITCONV_A0_to_Amplitude_SI = -2.0 * PI / WAVE_LENGTH_SI * ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_MASS_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI * ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI / ::picongpu::SI::ELECTRON_CHARGE_SI

Convert the normalized laser strength parameter a0 to Volt per meter.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamAMPLITUDE_SI = 1.738e13

unit: W / m^2

unit: none unit: Volt / meter unit: Volt / meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamLASER_NOFOCUS_CONSTANT_SI = 7.0 * WAVE_LENGTH_SI / ::picongpu::SI::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SI

The profile of the test Lasers 0 and 2 can be stretched by a constant area between the up and downramp unit: seconds.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamPULSE_LENGTH_SI = 10.615e-15 / 4.0

Pulse length: sigma of std.

gauss for intensity (E^2) PULSE_LENGTH_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / [ 2*sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } ] [ 2.354820045 ] Info: FWHM_of_Intensity = FWHM_Illumination = what a experimentalist calls “pulse duration”

unit: seconds (1 sigma)

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamW0_X_SI = 4.246e-6

beam waist: distance from the axis where the pulse intensity (E^2) decreases to its 1/e^2-th part, at the focus position of the laser W0_SI = FWHM_of_Intensity / sqrt{ 2* ln(2) } [ 1.17741 ]

unit: meter

constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamW0_Z_SI = W0_X_SI
constexpr float_64 picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamPULSE_INIT = 20.0

The laser pulse will be initialized PULSE_INIT times of the PULSE_LENGTH.

unit: none

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParaminitPlaneY = 0

cell from top where the laser is initialized

if initPlaneY == 0 than the absorber are disabled. if initPlaneY > absorbercells negative Y the negative absorber in y direction is enabled

valid ranges:

  • initPlaneY == 0
  • absorber cells negative Y < initPlaneY < cells in y direction of the top gpu

constexpr float_X picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamLASER_PHASE = 0.0

laser phase shift (no shift: 0.0)

sin(omega*time + laser_phase): starts with phase=0 at center > E-field=0 at center

unit: rad, periodic in 2*pi

constexpr PolarisationType picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::WavepacketParamPolarisation = LINEAR_X

Polarization selection.

namespace picongpu::fields::laserProfilesgaussianBeam


picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::gaussianBeam::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, MODENUMBER+ 1, LAGUERREMODES, 1. 0)


constexpr uint32_t picongpu::fields::laserProfiles::gaussianBeamMODENUMBER = 0

Use only the 0th Laguerremode for a standard Gaussian.

List of available laser profiles.


Configure particle pushers.

Those pushers can then be selected by a particle species in species.param and speciesDefinition.param

namespace picongpu
namespace picongpuparticlePusherAxel


enum picongpu::particlePusherAxelTrajectoryInterpolationType


picongpu::particlePusherAxelLINEAR = 1u
picongpu::particlePusherAxelNONLINEAR = 2u


constexpr TrajectoryInterpolationType picongpu::particlePusherAxelTrajectoryInterpolation = LINEAR
namespace picongpuparticlePusherProbe


using picongpu::particlePusherProbe::ActualPusher = typedef void

Also push the probe particles?

In many cases, probe particles are static throughout the simulation. This option allows to set an “actual” pusher that shall be used to also change the probe particle positions.


  • particles::pusher::Boris
  • particles::pusher::[all others from above]
  • void (no push)


Configure existing or define new normalized density profiles here.

During particle species creation in speciesInitialization.param, those profiles can be translated to spatial particle distributions.

namespace picongpu
namespace picongpudensityProfiles


using picongpu::densityProfiles::Gaussian = typedef GaussianImpl< GaussianParam >
using picongpu::densityProfiles::Homogenous = typedef HomogenousImpl
using picongpu::densityProfiles::LinearExponential = typedef LinearExponentialImpl< LinearExponentialParam >
using picongpu::densityProfiles::GaussianCloud = typedef GaussianCloudImpl< GaussianCloudParam >
using picongpu::densityProfiles::SphereFlanks = typedef SphereFlanksImpl<SphereFlanksParam>
using picongpu::densityProfiles::FromHDF5 = typedef FromHDF5Impl< FromHDF5Param >
using picongpu::densityProfiles::FreeFormula = typedef FreeFormulaImpl< FreeFormulaFunctor >


picongpu::densityProfiles::PMACC_STRUCT(GaussianParam, ( PMACC_C_VALUE (float_X, gasFactor, -1.0))( PMACC_C_VALUE (float_X, gasPower, 4.0))( PMACC_C_VALUE (uint32_t, vacuumCellsY, 50))( PMACC_C_VALUE (float_64, gasCenterLeft_SI, 4.62e-5))(PMACC_C_VALUE(float_64, gasCenterRight_SI, 4.62e-5))(PMACC_C_VALUE(float_64, gasSigmaLeft_SI, 4.62e-5))(PMACC_C_VALUE(float_64, gasSigmaRight_SI, 4.62e-5)))

Profile Formula: const float_X exponent = abs((y - gasCenter_SI) / gasSigma_SI); const float_X density = exp(gasFactor * pow(exponent, gasPower));

takes gasCenterLeft_SI for y < gasCenterLeft_SI, gasCenterRight_SI for y > gasCenterRight_SI, and exponent = 0.0 for gasCenterLeft_SI < y < gasCenterRight_SI

picongpu::densityProfiles::PMACC_STRUCT(LinearExponentialParam, ( PMACC_C_VALUE (uint32_t, vacuumCellsY, 50))( PMACC_C_VALUE (float_64, gasYMax_SI, 1.0e-3))(PMACC_C_VALUE(float_64, gasA_SI, 1.0e-3))(PMACC_C_VALUE(float_64, gasD_SI, 1.0e-3))(PMACC_C_VALUE(float_64, gasB, 0.0)))

parameter for LinearExponential profile

* Density Profile: /\
*                 /  -,_
*   linear       /      -,_    exponential
*   slope       /  |       -,_ slope
*                  MAX

picongpu::densityProfiles::PMACC_STRUCT(GaussianCloudParam, ( PMACC_C_VALUE (float_X, gasFactor, -0.5))( PMACC_C_VALUE (float_X, gasPower, 2.0))( PMACC_C_VALUE (uint32_t, vacuumCellsY, 50))( PMACC_C_VECTOR_DIM (float_64, simDim, center_SI, 1.134e-5, 1.134e-5, 1.134e-5))(PMACC_C_VECTOR_DIM(float_64, simDim, sigma_SI, 7.0e-6, 7.0e-6, 7.0e-6)))
picongpu::densityProfiles::PMACC_STRUCT(SphereFlanksParam, ( PMACC_C_VALUE (uint32_t, vacuumCellsY, 50))( PMACC_C_VALUE (float_64, r_SI, 1.0e-3))(PMACC_C_VALUE(float_64, ri_SI, 0.0))(PMACC_C_VECTOR_DIM(float_64, simDim, center_SI, 8.0e-3, 8.0e-3, 8.0e-3))(PMACC_C_VALUE(float_64, exponent_SI, 1.0e3)))

The profile consists out of the composition of 3 1D profiles with the scheme: exponential increasing flank, constant sphere, exponential decreasing flank.

*           ___
*  1D:  _,./   \.,_   rho(r)
*  2D:  ..,x,..   density: . low
*       .,xxx,.            , middle
*       ..,x,..            x high (constant)

picongpu::densityProfiles::PMACC_STRUCT(FromHDF5Param, ( PMACC_C_STRING (filename,"gas"))(PMACC_C_STRING(datasetName,"fields/e_chargeDensity"))(PMACC_C_VALUE(uint32_t, iteration, 0))( PMACC_C_VALUE (float_X, defaultDensity, 0.0)))
struct picongpu::densityProfilesFreeFormulaFunctor

Public Functions

HDINLINE float_X picongpu::densityProfiles::FreeFormulaFunctor::operator()(const floatD_64 & position_SI, const float3_64 & cellSize_SI)

This formula uses SI quantities only.

The profile will be multiplied by BASE_DENSITY_SI.

float_X density [normalized to 1.0]
  • position_SI: total offset including all slides [meter]
  • cellSize_SI: cell sizes [meter]

namespace picongpuSI


constexpr float_64 picongpu::SIBASE_DENSITY_SI = 1.e25

Base density in particles per m^3 in the density profiles.

This is often taken as reference maximum density in normalized profiles. Individual particle species can define a densityRatio flag relative to this value.

unit: ELEMENTS/m^3


This file defines available attributes that can be stored with each particle of a particle species.

Each attribute defined here needs to implement furthermore the traits

  • Unit
  • UnitDimension
  • WeightingPower
  • MacroWeighted in speciesAttributes.unitless for further information about these traits see therein.

namespace picongpu



relative (to cell origin) in-cell position of a particle

With this definition we do not define any type like float3_X, float3_64, … This is only a name without a specialization.

picongpuvalue_identifier(uint64_t, particleId, IdProvider<simDim>::getNewId())

unique identifier for a particle

picongpu::value_identifier(floatD_X, position_pic, floatD_X::create (0.))

specialization for the relative in-cell position

picongpu::value_identifier(float3_X, momentum, float3_X::create (0.))

momentum at timestep t

picongpu::value_identifier(float3_X, momentumPrev1, float3_X::create (0._X))

momentum at (previous) timestep t-1

picongpu::value_identifier(float_X, weighting, 0. _X)

weighting of the macro particle

picongpu::value_identifier(int16_t, voronoiCellId, - 1)

Voronoi cell of the macro particle.

picongpu::value_identifier(float3_X, probeE, float3_X::create (0.))

interpolated electric field with respect to particle shape

picongpu::value_identifier(float3_X, probeB, float3_X::create (0.))

interpolated electric field with respect to particle shape

picongpu::value_identifier(bool, radiationMask, false)

masking a particle for radiation

The mask is used by the user defined filter RadiationParticleFilter in radiation.param to (de)select particles for the radiation calculation.

picongpu::value_identifier(float_X, boundElectrons, 0. _X)

number of electrons bound to the atom / ion

value type is float_X to avoid casts during the runtime

  • float_X instead of integer types are reasonable because effective charge numbers are possible
  • required for ion species if ionization is enabled

picongpu::value_identifier(flylite::Superconfig, superconfig, flylite::Superconfig::create (0.))

atomic superconfiguration

atomic configuration of an ion for collisional-radiative modeling, see also flylite.param

picongpuvalue_identifier(DataSpace<simDim>, totalCellIdx, DataSpace<simDim>())

Total cell index of a particle.

The total cell index is a N-dimensional DataSpace given by a GPU’s globalDomain.offset + localDomain.offset added to the N-dimensional cell index the particle belongs to on that GPU.


alias for particle shape, see also species.param


alias for particle pusher, see alsospecies.param


alias for particle ionizers, see also ionizer.param


alias for ionization energy container, see also ionizationEnergies.param


alias for synchrotronPhotons, see also speciesDefinition.param

alias for ion species used for bremsstrahlung


alias for photon species used for bremsstrahlung


alias for particle to field interpolation, see also species.param


alias for particle current solver, see also species.param


alias for particle flag: atomic numbers, see also ionizer.param

  • only reasonable for atoms / ions / nuclei


alias for particle flag: effective nuclear charge,

  • see also ionizer.param
  • only reasonable for atoms / ions / nuclei


alias for particle population kinetics model (e.g.


see also flylite.param


alias for particle mass ratio

mass ratio between base particle, see also speciesConstants.param SI::BASE_MASS_SI and a user defined species

default value: 1.0 if unset


alias for particle charge ratio

charge ratio between base particle, see also speciesConstants.param SI::BASE_CHARGE_SI and a user defined species

default value: 1.0 if unset


alias for particle density ratio

density ratio between default density, see also density.param SI::BASE_DENSITY_SI and a user defined species

default value: 1.0 if unset


alias to reserved bytes for each communication direction

This is an optional flag and overwrites the default species configuration in memory.param.

A memory config must be of the following form:

struct ExampleExchangeMemCfg
    static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_EXCHANGE_X = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
    static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_EXCHANGE_Y = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
    static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_EXCHANGE_Z = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
    static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_CORNER = 16 * 1024;
    static constexpr uint32_t BYTES_EDGES = 16 * 1024;


alias to specify the boundary condition for particles

The default behavior if this alias is not given to a species is that the particles which leave the global simulation box where deleted. This also notifies all plugins that can handle leaving particles.

Note: alias boundaryCondition will be ignored if the runtime parameter --periodic is set.

The following species attributes are defined by pmacc and always stored with a particle:

namespace pmacc


pmacc::value_identifier(lcellId_t, localCellIdx, 0)

cell of a particle inside a supercell

Value is a linear cell index inside the supercell

pmacc::value_identifier(uint8_t, multiMask, 0)

state of a particle

Particle might be valid or invalid in a particle frame. Valid particles can further be marked as candidates to leave a supercell. Possible multiMask values are:

  • 0 (zero): no particle (invalid)
  • 1: particle (valid)
  • 2 to 27: (valid) particle that is about to leave its supercell but is still stored in the current particle frame. Directions to leave the supercell are defined as follows. An ExchangeType = value - 1 (e.g. 27 - 1 = 26) means particle leaves supercell in the direction of FRONT(value=18) && TOP(value=6) && LEFT(value=2) which defines a diagonal movement over a supercell corner (18+6+2=26).


Constants and thresholds for particle species.

Defines the reference mass and reference charge to express species with (default: electrons with negative charge).

namespace picongpu


constexpr float_X picongpuGAMMA_THRESH = 1.005_X

Threshold between relativistic and non-relativistic regime.

Threshold used for calculations that want to separate between high-precision formulas for relativistic and non-relativistic use-cases, e.g. energy-binning algorithms.

constexpr float_X picongpuGAMMA_INV_SQUARE_RAD_THRESH = 0.18_X

Threshold in radiation plugin between relativistic and non-relativistic regime.

This limit is used to decide between a pure 1-sqrt(1-x) calculation and a 5th order Taylor approximation of 1-sqrt(1-x) to avoid halving of significant digits due to the sqrt() evaluation at x = 1/gamma^2 near 0.0. With 0.18 the relative error between Taylor approximation and real value will be below 0.001% = 1e-5 * for x=1/gamma^2 < 0.18

namespace picongpuSI


constexpr float_64 picongpu::SIBASE_MASS_SI = ELECTRON_MASS_SI

base particle mass

reference for massRatio in speciesDefinition.param

unit: kg

constexpr float_64 picongpu::SIBASE_CHARGE_SI = ELECTRON_CHARGE_SI

base particle charge

reference for chargeRatio in speciesDefinition.param

unit: C


Forward declarations for speciesDefinition.param in case one wants to use the same particle shape, interpolation, current solver and particle pusher for all particle species.

namespace picongpu


using picongpu::UsedParticleShape = typedef particles::shapes::TSC

Particle Shape definitions.

  • particles::shapes::CIC : 1st order
  • particles::shapes::TSC : 2nd order
  • particles::shapes::PCS : 3rd order
  • particles::shapes::P4S : 4th order

example: using CICShape = particles::shapes::CIC;

using picongpu::UsedField2Particle = typedef FieldToParticleInterpolation< UsedParticleShape, AssignedTrilinearInterpolation >

define which interpolation method is used to interpolate fields to particles

using picongpu::UsedParticleCurrentSolver = typedef currentSolver::Esirkepov< UsedParticleShape >

select current solver method

  • currentSolver::Esirkepov< SHAPE > : particle shapes - CIC, TSC, PCS, P4S (1st to 4th order)
  • currentSolver::VillaBune<> : particle shapes - CIC (1st order) only
  • currentSolver::EmZ< SHAPE > : particle shapes - CIC, TSC, PCS, P4S (1st to 4th order)

For development purposes:

  • currentSolver::currentSolver::EsirkepovNative< SHAPE > : generic version of currentSolverEsirkepov without optimization (~4x slower and needs more shared memory)
  • currentSolver::ZigZag< SHAPE > : particle shapes - CIC, TSC, PCS, P4S (1st to 4th order)

using picongpu::UsedParticlePusher = typedef particles::pusher::Boris

particle pusher configuration

Define a pusher is optional for particles

  • particles::pusher::Vay : better suited relativistic boris pusher
  • particles::pusher::Boris : standard boris pusher
  • particles::pusher::ReducedLandauLifshitz : 4th order RungeKutta pusher with classical radiation reaction

For diagnostics & modeling: ———————————————

  • particles::pusher::Free : free propagation, ignore fields (= free stream model)
  • particles::pusher::Photon : propagate with c in direction of normalized mom.
  • particles::pusher::Probe : Probe particles that interpolate E & B For development purposes: ———————————————–
  • particles::pusher::Axel : a pusher developed at HZDR during 2011 (testing)


Define particle species.

This file collects all previous declarations of base (reference) quantities and configured solvers for species and defines particle species. This includes “attributes” (lvalues to store with each species) and “flags” (rvalues & aliases for solvers to perform with the species for each timestep and ratios to base quantities). With those information, a Particles class is defined for each species and then collected in the list VectorAllSpecies.

namespace picongpu


using picongpu::DefaultParticleAttributes = typedef MakeSeq_t< position< position_pic >, momentum, weighting >

describe attributes of a particle

using picongpu::ParticleFlagsPhotons = typedef MakeSeq_t< particlePusher< particles::pusher::Photon >, shape< UsedParticleShape >, interpolation< UsedField2Particle >, massRatio< MassRatioPhotons >, chargeRatio< ChargeRatioPhotons > >
using picongpu::PIC_Photons = typedef Particles< PMACC_CSTRING( "ph" ), ParticleFlagsPhotons, DefaultParticleAttributes >
using picongpu::ParticleFlagsElectrons = typedef MakeSeq_t< particlePusher< UsedParticlePusher >, shape< UsedParticleShape >, interpolation< UsedField2Particle >, current< UsedParticleCurrentSolver >, massRatio< MassRatioElectrons >, chargeRatio< ChargeRatioElectrons > >
using picongpu::PIC_Electrons = typedef Particles< PMACC_CSTRING( "e" ), ParticleFlagsElectrons, DefaultParticleAttributes >
using picongpu::ParticleFlagsIons = typedef MakeSeq_t< particlePusher< UsedParticlePusher >, shape< UsedParticleShape >, interpolation< UsedField2Particle >, current< UsedParticleCurrentSolver >, massRatio< MassRatioIons >, chargeRatio< ChargeRatioIons >, densityRatio< DensityRatioIons >, atomicNumbers< ionization::atomicNumbers::Hydrogen_t > >
using picongpu::PIC_Ions = typedef Particles< PMACC_CSTRING( "i" ), ParticleFlagsIons, DefaultParticleAttributes >
using picongpu::VectorAllSpecies = typedef MakeSeq_t< PIC_Electrons, PIC_Ions >

All known particle species of the simulation.

List all defined particle species from above in this list to make them available to the PIC algorithm.


picongpu::value_identifier(float_X, MassRatioPhotons, 0. 0)
picongpu::value_identifier(float_X, ChargeRatioPhotons, 0. 0)
picongpu::value_identifier(float_X, MassRatioElectrons, 1. 0)
picongpu::value_identifier(float_X, ChargeRatioElectrons, 1. 0)
picongpu::value_identifier(float_X, MassRatioIons, 1836. 152672)
picongpu::value_identifier(float_X, ChargeRatioIons, -1. 0)
picongpu::value_identifier(float_X, DensityRatioIons, 1. 0)


Configurations for particle manipulators.

Set up and declare functors that can be used in speciesInitalization.param for particle species initialization and manipulation, such as temperature distributions, drifts, pre-ionization and in-cell position.

namespace picongpu
namespace picongpuparticles


constexpr float_X picongpu::particlesMIN_WEIGHTING = 10.0

a particle with a weighting below MIN_WEIGHTING will not be created / will be deleted

unit: none

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::particlesTYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL = 2u

Number of maximum particles per cell during density profile evaluation.

Determines the weighting of a macro particle and with it, the number of particles “sampling” dynamics in phase space.

namespace picongpu::particlesmanipulators


using picongpu::particles::manipulators::AssignXDrift = typedef unary::Drift< DriftParam, nvidia::functors::Assign >

definition of manipulator that assigns a drift in X

using picongpu::particles::manipulators::AddTemperature = typedef unary::Temperature< TemperatureParam >
using picongpu::particles::manipulators::DoubleWeighting = typedef generic::Free< DoubleWeightingFunctor >

definition of a free particle manipulator: double weighting

using picongpu::particles::manipulators::RandomEnabledRadiation = typedef generic::FreeRng< RandomEnabledRadiationFunctor, pmacc::random::distributions::Uniform< float_X > >
using picongpu::particles::manipulators::RandomPosition = typedef unary::RandomPosition

changes the in-cell position of each particle of a species


picongpu::particles::manipulators::CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 3, DriftParam_direction, 1. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0)

Parameter for DriftParam.

struct picongpu::particles::manipulatorsDoubleWeightingFunctor

Unary particle manipulator: double each weighting.

Public Functions

template <typename T_Particle>
DINLINE void picongpu::particles::manipulators::DoubleWeightingFunctor::operator()(T_Particle & particle)
struct picongpu::particles::manipulatorsDriftParam

Parameter for a particle drift assignment.

Public Members

const DriftParam_direction_t picongpu::particles::manipulators::DriftParamdirection

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::manipulators::DriftParamgamma = 1.0
struct picongpu::particles::manipulatorsRandomEnabledRadiationFunctor

Public Functions

template <typename T_Rng, typename T_Particle>
DINLINE void picongpu::particles::manipulators::RandomEnabledRadiationFunctor::operator()(T_Rng & rng, T_Particle & particle)
struct picongpu::particles::manipulatorsTemperatureParam

Parameter for a temperature assignment.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::manipulators::TemperatureParamtemperature = 0.0
namespace picongpu::particlesstartPosition


using picongpu::particles::startPosition::Random = typedef RandomImpl< RandomParameter >

definition of random particle start

using picongpu::particles::startPosition::Quiet = typedef QuietImpl< QuietParam >

definition of quiet particle start

using picongpu::particles::startPosition::OnePosition = typedef OnePositionImpl< OnePositionParameter >

definition of one specific position for particle start


picongpu::particles::startPosition::CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 3, InCellOffset, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0)

sit directly in lower corner of the cell

struct picongpu::particles::startPositionOnePositionParameter

Public Members

const InCellOffset_t picongpu::particles::startPosition::OnePositionParameterinCellOffset

Public Static Attributes

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::particles::startPosition::OnePositionParameternumParticlesPerCell = TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL

Count of particles per cell at initial state.

unit: none

struct picongpu::particles::startPositionQuietParam

Public Types

using picongpu::particles::startPosition::QuietParamnumParticlesPerDimension = mCT::shrinkTo<mCT::Int<1, TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL, 1>, simDim>::type

Count of particles per cell per direction at initial state.

unit: none

struct picongpu::particles::startPositionRandomParameter

Public Static Attributes

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::particles::startPosition::RandomParameternumParticlesPerCell = TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL

Count of particles per cell at initial state.

unit: none


In this file we define typical scales for normalization of physical quantities aka “units”.

Usually, a user would not change this file but might use the defined constants in other input files.

namespace picongpu


constexpr float_64 picongpuUNIT_TIME = SI::DELTA_T_SI

Unit of time.

constexpr float_64 picongpuUNIT_LENGTH = UNIT_TIME*UNIT_SPEED

Unit of length.

constexpr float_64 picongpuUNIT_MASS = SI::BASE_MASS_SI * double(particles::TYPICAL_NUM_PARTICLES_PER_MACROPARTICLE)

Unit of mass.

constexpr float_64 picongpuUNIT_CHARGE = -1.0 * SI::BASE_CHARGE_SI * double(particles::TYPICAL_NUM_PARTICLES_PER_MACROPARTICLE)

Unit of charge.


Unit of energy.

constexpr float_64 picongpuUNIT_EFIELD = 1.0 / (UNIT_TIME * UNIT_TIME / UNIT_MASS / UNIT_LENGTH * UNIT_CHARGE)

Unit of EField: V/m.

constexpr float_64 picongpuUNIT_BFIELD = (UNIT_MASS / (UNIT_TIME * UNIT_CHARGE))
namespace picongpuparticles


constexpr float_X picongpu::particlesTYPICAL_NUM_PARTICLES_PER_MACROPARTICLE



float_64( particles::TYPICAL_PARTICLES_PER_CELL )

Number of particles per makro particle (= macro particle weighting) unit: none.


A common task in both modeling and in situ processing (output) is the selection of particles of a particle species by attributes.

Users can define such selections as particle filters in this file.

Particle filters are simple mappings assigning each particle of a species either true or false (ignore / filter out).

All active filters need to be listed in AllParticleFilters. They are then combined with VectorAllSpecies at compile-time, e.g. for plugins.

namespace picongpu
namespace picongpuparticles
namespace picongpu::particlesfilter


using picongpu::particles::filter::AllParticleFilters = typedef MakeSeq_t< All >

Plugins: collection of all available particle filters.

Create a list of all filters here that you want to use in plugins.

Note: filter All is defined in picongpu/particles/filter/filter.def


Initialize particles inside particle species.

This is the final step in setting up particles (defined in speciesDefinition.param) via density profiles (defined in density.param). One can then further derive particles from one species to an other and manipulate attributes with “manipulators” and “filters” (defined in particle.param and particleFilters.param).

For a full list of options, see the user manual section “Usage” - “Particles”.

namespace picongpu
namespace picongpuparticles


using picongpu::particles::InitPipeline = typedef bmpl::vector<>

InitPipeline defines in which order species are initialized.

the functors are called in order (from first to last functor)