PIC Extensions


Load external background fields.

namespace picongpu

class picongpuFieldBackgroundB

Public Functions

picongpu::FieldBackgroundBPMACC_ALIGN(m_unitField, const float3_64)
HDINLINE picongpu::FieldBackgroundBFieldBackgroundB(const float3_64 unitField)
HDINLINE float3_X picongpu::FieldBackgroundB::operator()(const DataSpace < simDim > & cellIdx, const uint32_t currentStep) const

Specify your background field B(r,t) here.

  • cellIdx: The total cell id counted from the start at t=0
  • currentStep: The current time step

Public Static Attributes

constexpr bool picongpu::FieldBackgroundBInfluenceParticlePusher = false
class picongpuFieldBackgroundE

Public Functions

picongpu::FieldBackgroundEPMACC_ALIGN(m_unitField, const float3_64)
HDINLINE picongpu::FieldBackgroundEFieldBackgroundE(const float3_64 unitField)
HDINLINE float3_X picongpu::FieldBackgroundE::operator()(const DataSpace < simDim > & cellIdx, const uint32_t currentStep) const

Specify your background field E(r,t) here.

  • cellIdx: The total cell id counted from the start at t = 0
  • currentStep: The current time step

Public Static Attributes

constexpr bool picongpu::FieldBackgroundEInfluenceParticlePusher = false
class picongpuFieldBackgroundJ

Public Functions

picongpu::FieldBackgroundJPMACC_ALIGN(m_unitField, const float3_64)
HDINLINE picongpu::FieldBackgroundJFieldBackgroundJ(const float3_64 unitField)
HDINLINE float3_X picongpu::FieldBackgroundJ::operator()(const DataSpace < simDim > & cellIdx, const uint32_t currentStep) const

Specify your background field J(r,t) here.

  • cellIdx: The total cell id counted from the start at t=0
  • currentStep: The current time step

Public Static Attributes

constexpr bool picongpu::FieldBackgroundJactivated = false


namespace picongpu

namespace picongpuparticles
namespace picongpu::particlesbremsstrahlung
namespace picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlungelectron

params related to the energy loss and deflection of the incident electron


constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::electronMIN_ENERGY_MeV = 0.5

Minimal kinectic electron energy in MeV for the lookup table.

For electrons below this value Bremsstrahlung is not taken into account.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::electronMAX_ENERGY_MeV = 200.0

Maximal kinetic electron energy in MeV for the lookup table.

Electrons above this value cause a out-of-bounds access at the lookup table. Bounds checking is enabled for “CRITICAL” log level.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::electronMIN_THETA = 0.01

Minimal polar deflection angle due to screening.

See Jackson 13.5 for a rule of thumb to this value.

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::electronNUM_SAMPLES_KAPPA = 32

number of lookup table divisions for the kappa axis.

Kappa is the energy loss normalized to the initial kinetic energy. The axis is scaled linearly.

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::electronNUM_SAMPLES_EKIN = 32

number of lookup table divisions for the initial kinetic energy axis.

The axis is scaled logarithmically.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::electronMIN_KAPPA = 1.0e-10

Kappa is the energy loss normalized to the initial kinetic energy.

This minimal value is needed by the numerics to avoid a division by zero.

namespace picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlungphoton

params related to the creation and the emission angle of the photon


constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::photonSOFT_PHOTONS_CUTOFF_keV = 5000.0

Low-energy threshold in keV of the incident electron for the creation of photons.

Below this value photon emission is neglected.

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::photonNUM_SAMPLES_DELTA = 256

number of lookup table divisions for the delta axis.

Delta is the angular emission probability (normalized to one) integrated from zero to theta, where theta is the angle between the photon momentum and the final electron momentum.

The axis is scaled linearly.

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::photonNUM_SAMPLES_GAMMA = 64

number of lookup table divisions for the gamma axis.

Gamma is the relativistic factor of the incident electron.

The axis is scaled logarithmically.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::photonMAX_DELTA = 0.95

Maximal value of delta for the lookup table.

Delta is the angular emission probability (normalized to one) integrated from zero to theta, where theta is the angle between the photon momentum and the final electron momentum.

A value close to one is reasonable. Though exactly one was actually correct, because it would map to theta = pi (maximum polar angle), the sampling then would be bad in the ultrarelativistic case. In this regime the emission primarily takes place at small thetas. So a maximum delta close to one maps to a reasonable maximum theta.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::photonMIN_GAMMA = 1.0

minimal gamma for the lookup table.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::photonMAX_GAMMA = 250

maximal gamma for the lookup table.

Bounds checking is enabled for “CRITICAL” log level.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::photonSINGLE_EMISSION_PROB_LIMIT = 0.4

if the emission probability per timestep is higher than this value and the log level is set to “CRITICAL” a warning will be raised.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::bremsstrahlung::photonWEIGHTING_RATIO = 10




enable synchtrotron photon emission

namespace picongpu

namespace picongpuparticles
namespace picongpu::particlessynchrotronPhotons


constexpr bool picongpu::particles::synchrotronPhotonsenableQEDTerm = false

enable (disable) QED (classical) photon emission spectrum

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::synchrotronPhotonsSYNC_FUNCS_CUTOFF = 5.0

Above this value (to the power of three, see comments on mapping) the synchrotron functions are nearly zero.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::synchrotronPhotonsSYNC_FUNCS_BESSEL_INTEGRAL_STEPWIDTH = 1.0e-3

stepwidth for the numerical integration of the bessel function for the first synchrotron function

constexpr uint32_t picongpu::particles::synchrotronPhotonsSYNC_FUNCS_NUM_SAMPLES = 8192

Number of sampling points of the lookup table.

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::synchrotronPhotonsSOFT_PHOTONS_CUTOFF_RATIO = 1.0

Photons of oszillation periods greater than a timestep are not created since the grid already accounts for them.

This cutoff ratio is defined as: photon-oszillation-period / timestep

constexpr float_64 picongpu::particles::synchrotronPhotonsSINGLE_EMISSION_PROB_LIMIT = 0.4

if the emission probability per timestep is higher than this value and the log level is set to “CRITICAL” a warning will be raised.


namespace picongpu

namespace picongpuionization

Ionization Model Configuration.

  • None : no particle is ionized
  • BSI : simple barrier suppression ionization
  • BSIEffectiveZ : BSI taking electron shielding into account via an effective atomic number Z_eff
  • ADKLinPol : Ammosov-Delone-Krainov tunneling ionization (H-like) -> linearly polarized lasers
  • ADKCircPol : Ammosov-Delone-Krainov tunneling ionization (H-like) -> circularly polarized lasers
  • Keldysh : Keldysh ionization model
  • ThomasFermi : statistical impact ionization based on Thomas-Fermi atomic model Attention: requires 2 FieldTmp slots Research and development:
  • BSIStarkShifted : BSI for hydrogen-like atoms and ions considering the Stark upshift of ionization potentials

Usage: Add flags to the list of particle flags that has the following structure

   ionizers< MakeSeq_t< particles::ionization::IonizationModel< Species2BCreated > > >,
   atomicNumbers< ionization::atomicNumbers::Element_t >,
   effectiveNuclearCharge< ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::Element_t >,
   ionizationEnergies< ionization::energies::AU::Element_t >

namespace picongpu::ionizationatomicNumbers

Specify (chemical) element

Proton and neutron numbers define the chemical element that the ion species is based on. This value can be non-integer for physical models taking charge shielding effects into account. It is wrapped into a struct because of C++ restricting floats from being template arguments.


Do not forget to set the correct mass and charge via massRatio<> and chargeRatio<>!

struct picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbersAluminium_t

Al-27 ~100% NA.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Aluminium_tnumberOfProtons = 13.0
constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Aluminium_tnumberOfNeutrons = 14.0
struct picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbersCarbon_t

C-12 98.9% NA.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Carbon_tnumberOfProtons = 6.0
constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Carbon_tnumberOfNeutrons = 6.0
struct picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbersCopper_t

Cu-63 69.15% NA.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Copper_tnumberOfProtons = 29.0
constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Copper_tnumberOfNeutrons = 34.0
struct picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbersDeuterium_t

H-2 0.02% NA.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Deuterium_tnumberOfProtons = 1.0
constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Deuterium_tnumberOfNeutrons = 1.0
struct picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbersGold_t

Au-197 ~100% NA.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Gold_tnumberOfProtons = 79.0
constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Gold_tnumberOfNeutrons = 118.0
struct picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbersHelium_t

He-4 ~100% NA.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Helium_tnumberOfProtons = 2.0
constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Helium_tnumberOfNeutrons = 2.0
struct picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbersHydrogen_t

H-1 99.98% NA.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Hydrogen_tnumberOfProtons = 1.0
constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Hydrogen_tnumberOfNeutrons = 0.0
struct picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbersNitrogen_t

N-14 99.6% NA.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Nitrogen_tnumberOfProtons = 7.0
constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Nitrogen_tnumberOfNeutrons = 7.0
struct picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbersOxygen_t

O-16 99.76% NA.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Oxygen_tnumberOfProtons = 8.0
constexpr float_X picongpu::ionization::atomicNumbers::Oxygen_tnumberOfNeutrons = 8.0
namespace picongpu::ionizationeffectiveNuclearCharge

Effective Nuclear Charge.

Due to the shielding effect of inner electron shells in an atom / ion which makes the core charge seem smaller to valence electrons new, effective, atomic core charge numbers can be defined to make the crude barrier suppression ionization (BSI) model less inaccurate.

References: Clementi, E.; Raimondi, D. L. (1963) “Atomic Screening Constants from SCF Functions” J. Chem. Phys. 38 (11): 2686–2689. doi:10.1063/1.1733573 Clementi, E.; Raimondi, D. L.; Reinhardt, W. P. (1967) “Atomic Screening Constants from SCF Functions. II. Atoms with 37 to 86 Electrons” Journal of Chemical Physics. 47: 1300–1307. doi:10.1063/1.1712084

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effective_nuclear_charge or refer directly to the calculations by Slater or Clementi and Raimondi

IMPORTANT NOTE: You have to insert the values in REVERSE order since the lowest shell corresponds to the last ionization process!


picongpu::ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 1, Hydrogen, 1.)
picongpu::ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 1, Deuterium, 1.)
picongpu::ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 2, Helium, 1. 688, 1. 688)
picongpu::ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 6, Carbon, 3. 136, 3. 136, 3. 217, 3. 217, 5. 673, 5. 673)
picongpu::ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 7, Nitrogen, 3. 834, 3. 834, 3. 834, 3. 874, 3. 874, 6. 665, 6. 665)
picongpu::ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 8, Oxygen, 4. 453, 4. 453, 4. 453, 4. 453, 4. 492, 4. 492, 7. 658, 7. 658)
picongpu::ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 13, Aluminum, 4. 066, 4. 117, 4. 117, 8. 963, 8. 963, 8. 963, 8. 963, 8. 963, 8. 963, 8. 214, 8. 214, 12. 591, 12. 591)
picongpu::ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 29, Copper, 13. 201, 13. 201, 13. 201, 13. 201, 13. 201, 13. 201, 13. 201, 13. 201, 13. 201, 5. 842, 5. 842, 14. 731, 14. 731, 14. 731, 14. 731, 14. 731, 14. 731, 15. 594, 15. 594, 25. 097, 25. 097, 25. 097, 25. 097, 25. 097, 25. 097, 21. 020, 21. 020, 28. 339, 28. 339)
picongpu::ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 79, Gold, 20. 126, 20. 126, 20. 126, 20. 126, 20. 126, 20. 126, 20. 126, 20. 126, 20. 126, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 40. 650, 10. 938, 10. 938, 25. 170, 25. 170, 25. 170, 25. 170, 25. 170, 25. 170, 25. 170, 41. 528, 41. 528, 41. 528, 41. 528, 41. 528, 41. 528, 41. 528, 41. 528, 41. 528, 41. 528, 27. 327, 27. 327, 43. 547, 43. 547, 43. 547, 43. 547, 43. 547, 43. 547, 65. 508, 65. 508, 65. 508, 65. 508, 65. 508, 65. 508, 65. 508, 65. 508, 65. 508, 65. 508, 44. 413, 44. 413, 56. 703, 56. 703, 56. 703, 56. 703, 56. 703, 56. 703, 55. 763, 55. 763, 74. 513, 74. 513, 74. 513, 74. 513, 74. 513, 74. 513, 58. 370, 58. 370, 77. 476, 77. 476)
namespace picongpuparticles
namespace picongpu::particlesionization
namespace picongpu::particles::ionizationthomasFermi


constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFAlpha = 14.3139

Fitting parameters to average ionization degree Z* = 4/3*pi*R_0^3 * n(R_0) as an extension towards arbitrary atoms and temperatures.

See table IV of http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0065219908601451 doi:10.1016/S0065-2199(08)60145-1

constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFBeta = 0.6624
constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFA1 = 3.323e-3
constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFA2 = 9.718e-1
constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFA3 = 9.26148e-5
constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFA4 = 3.10165
constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFB0 = -1.7630
constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFB1 = 1.43175
constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFB2 = 0.31546
constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFC1 = -0.366667
constexpr float_X picongpu::particles::ionization::thomasFermiTFC2 = 0.983333


This file contains the ionization energies and conversion to corresponding electric field strengths for different species.

namespace picongpu

namespace picongpuionization

Ionization Model Configuration.

  • None : no particle is ionized
  • BSI : simple barrier suppression ionization
  • BSIEffectiveZ : BSI taking electron shielding into account via an effective atomic number Z_eff
  • ADKLinPol : Ammosov-Delone-Krainov tunneling ionization (H-like) -> linearly polarized lasers
  • ADKCircPol : Ammosov-Delone-Krainov tunneling ionization (H-like) -> circularly polarized lasers
  • Keldysh : Keldysh ionization model
  • ThomasFermi : statistical impact ionization based on Thomas-Fermi atomic model Attention: requires 2 FieldTmp slots Research and development:
  • BSIStarkShifted : BSI for hydrogen-like atoms and ions considering the Stark upshift of ionization potentials

Usage: Add flags to the list of particle flags that has the following structure

   ionizers< MakeSeq_t< particles::ionization::IonizationModel< Species2BCreated > > >,
   atomicNumbers< ionization::atomicNumbers::Element_t >,
   effectiveNuclearCharge< ionization::effectiveNuclearCharge::Element_t >,
   ionizationEnergies< ionization::energies::AU::Element_t >

namespace picongpu::ionizationenergies

Ionization potentials.

Please follow these rules for defining ionization energies of atomic species, unless your chosen ionization model requires a different unit system than AU::

  • input of values in either atomic units or converting eV or Joule to them -> use either UNITCONV_eV_to_AU or SI::ATOMIC_UNIT_ENERGY for that purpose
  • use float_X as the preferred data type

example: ionization energy for ground state hydrogen: 13.6 eV 1 Joule = 1 kg * m^2 / s^2 1 eV = 1.602e-19 J

1 AU (energy) = 27.2 eV = 1 Hartree = 4.36e-18 J = 2 Rydberg = 2 x Hydrogen ground state binding energy

Atomic units are useful for ionization models because they simplify the formulae greatly and provide intuitively understandable relations to a well-known system, i.e. the Hydrogen atom.

for PMACC_CONST_VECTOR usage, Reference: Kramida, A., Ralchenko, Yu., Reader, J., and NIST ASD Team (2014) NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver. 5.2), [Online] Available: http://physics.nist.gov/asd [2017, February 8] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD

libPMacc/include/math/ConstVector.hpp for finding ionization energies, http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/ASD/ionEnergy.html

namespace picongpu::ionization::energiesAU


picongpu::ionization::energies::AU::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 1, Hydrogen, 13.59843 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU)
picongpu::ionization::energies::AU::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 1, Deuterium, 13.60213 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU)
picongpu::ionization::energies::AU::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 2, Helium, 24.58739 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 54.41776 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU)
picongpu::ionization::energies::AU::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 6, Carbon, 11.2603 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 24.3845 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 47.88778 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 64.49351 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 392.0905 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 489.993177 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU)
picongpu::ionization::energies::AU::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 7, Nitrogen, 14.53413 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 29.60125 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 47.4453 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 77.4735 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 97.89013 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 552.06731 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 667.04609 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU)
picongpu::ionization::energies::AU::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 8, Oxygen, 13.61805 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 35.12112 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 54.93554 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 77.41350 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 113.8989 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 138.1189 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 739.3268 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 871.4098 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU)
picongpu::ionization::energies::AU::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 13, Aluminium, 5.98577 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 18.8285 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 28.4476 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 119.992 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 153.825 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 190.495 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 241.769 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 284.647 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 330.214 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 398.656 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 442.006 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2085.97 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2304.14 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU)
picongpu::ionization::energies::AU::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 29, Copper, 7.72638 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 20.2924 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 36.8411 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 57.385 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 79.87 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 103.010 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 139.012 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 166.021 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 198.022 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 232.25 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 265.332 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 367.09 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 401.03 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 436.06 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 483.19 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 518.712 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 552.821 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 632.56 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 670.608 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1690.59 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1800.3 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1918.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2044.6 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2179.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2307.32 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2479.12 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2586.95 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 11062.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 11567.6 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU)
picongpu::ionization::energies::AU::PMACC_CONST_VECTOR(float_X, 79, Gold, 9.2256 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 20.203 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 30.016 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 45.017 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 60.019 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 74.020 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 94.020 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 112.02 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 130.12 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 149.02 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 168.21 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 248.01 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 275.14 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 299.15 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 324.16 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 365.19 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 392.20 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 433.21 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 487.25 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 517.30 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 546.30 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 600.30 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 650.40 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 710.40 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 760.40 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 820.40 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 870.40 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 930.50 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 990.50 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1040.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1100.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1150.6 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1210.6 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1475.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1527.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1584.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1644.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1702.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1758.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1845.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1904.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 1967.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2026.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2261.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2320.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2383.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2443.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2640.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2708.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2870.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 2941.0 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 4888.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 5013.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 5156.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 5307.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 5452.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 5594.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 5846.6 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 5994.6 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 6156.7 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 6305.1 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 6724.1 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 6854.1 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 6997.2 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 7130.2 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 7756.3 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 7910.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 8210.4 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 8360.5 * UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 18040.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 18401.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 18791.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 19151.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 21471.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 21921.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 22500.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 22868.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 91516.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU, 93254.* UNITCONV_eV_to_AU)